“I forgive you,” the dragon says, her tone a bit haughty. “Since you had a near-death experience, your wits are clearly addled.”

I bite my lip, but can’t help the chuckle that escapes.

Sturrm’s lips twitch, too.

“And my name is Bellavesaria, not ‘dragon.’”

“Goddess, what a mouthful,” the unicorn says.

“How about Bella? Can we call you that?” I sweeten the pot. “Where I come from, it means beautiful.”

“Beautiful.” She spreads her wings, the dark-pink scales sparkling in the sun. “I like that. I am certainly beautiful, as are all dragons.”

I grin down at Dash, who gives me an amused wink. Then I push a last surge of healing magic into him, chasing away the final bits of deathsleep lingering in his legs. Sitting back on my heels, I shake out my hands. “Ay! That was a lot.”

“Are you all right?” Sturrm’s hands clasp my shoulders, pulling me upright as he runs his gaze over me. “Did using so much magic drain you?”

“I’m fine.” But I make no move to get away from his grip.

He frowns, but he’s not upset with me—I now know what that frown means. It means he’s worried.

It means he cares.

A shiver runs through me as I remember him standing over me, his sword a blur in the air as he kept the hideous birds from attacking me. He was magnificent, a primal warrior protecting what’s his.

And I want to be that.

I want to be his.

Maybe he’ll never love anyone like he loved Bruna, but I’ll worry about that tomorrow. For tonight, I want everything he’ll give me.



A shiver runs through Selena, her copper-brown eyes going molten with desire as she looks up at me.

We came so close to losingeverythingjust now. Over the years, I’ve faced death many times, if not happily, then also without much sorrow. Today was different.

Today I hated the thought of a life cut short.

Instead of mourning things lost to the past, I mourned the future I might never see.

I mourned losing long conversations with Selena, watching her quick mind soak up informationand make brilliant leaps of deduction that must come from all those years of schooling she told me about.

I mourned the chance to see what she can become as she learns to wield the full power of her magic.

And I mourned getting to taste her, fill her, feel her shatter around my cock, even if only one time.

I’m fuckingexhaustedwith mourning.

Selena may not be mine for long, but she can be mine for now. I’m tired of being selfless.

This amazing woman was so brave, coming back into the deathsleep after me. She saved my life. She wants me—the heat in her eyes speaks this truth—so I will give her what little I have to offer.

Dash pushes to his feet, taking us in with an amused glance. “Well, I’m starving. I’m going to stay here and graze while you twoexplore the cave.” The words drip with innuendo, and I don’t even mind.

“I can help with the cave,” Bellavesaria says, not picking up on the fact that Selena and I wish to be alone.