I let the final note continue to vibrate on the strings, so it lingers in the air.
Selena watches me, as rapt as she remained throughout the song, her wide copper eyes shining in the firelight, her lovely face soft with amazement and delight.
I shouldn’t want her to be so moved, to admire my talent so much when she’s bound to be another’s bride. But I do. By the goddess, I do. A possessive feeling rises within me. I want nothing more than to have her look at me exactly so for the rest of my days. I reach toward her, longing to—
“Well, orc, I must say I’m impressed,” Dash says, breaking the moment. “That wasn’t half bad.”
My lip lifts above my tusk in a silent snarl as my arm drops. Damned unicorn. He’s more and more like a pooka with every passing moment. Maybe I’ll get lucky and he’ll goand act like one, since pooka tend to be nocturnal. “Don’t you have some night frolicking of your own to do?”
“Nope.” He tosses his head, his mane flipping to the other side. “Not after galloping all day. I need my beauty sleep.” Then he does exactly that, tucking his legs underneath him to settle onto the ground. Equines might be able to doze while standing, but they only get true sleep when reclined, and I can’t dispute that he’s run hard for me for several days.
“We should rest as well.” The words come out rougher than I mean for them to, some of my irritation still showing. I store my travel guitar in its case and wave Selena toward the tent.
Selena crawls inside and sits at the entrance to take off her human shoes. Then she reaches up behind her to let her hair down, holding me mesmerized by the movement as the rich brown locks tumble around her shoulders. Her eyes are warm as she says, “Aren’t you coming?”
I shouldn’t. I should remain by the fire and leave the tent to her, let her sprawl across my furs…
The very thought of it makes my cock twitch, and I scowl.
“None of that ‘being noble’ shit. Especially since I know you couldn’t have slept much last night.” Selena wags a finger at me, then points imperiously at the furs beside her. “You get your butt in here, and you sleep.”
I’ve been a warrior for decades, doing the bidding of none other than my king. Still, her request pulls me forward. I follow her into the tent. She’s a small thing, yet her presence fills the space as I settle onto the furs with a good foot between us.
“Good night, Sturrm,” she says in her sweet soprano.
Now that my song’s been silent for several minutes, the sounds of the nighttime forest return. But the flap of owl wings or scuttle of small animals across dried leaves fades from my notice.
Until I hear only Selena’s soft breathing as it deepens into sleep.
I snap awake in the dark of night, the fire outside having burned down to embers. What woke me?
A whimper, tiny and sad, tears at my heart. Selena lies on her side, curled into a tight ball, caught in a nightmare again.
I reach out and stroke her from shoulder to elbow, keeping my touch light at first. Then I repeat the motion more firmly.
She trembles, a pitiful “no” falling from her lips.
That sound kills me. I snatch her to me, cradling her to my chest and brushing my hand over her soft hair. “Come now, my sweet Selena. Wake for me.”
A frisson runs through her, and her fingers clutch at my shirt. “Sturrm?”
“I’m here.”
She lets out a soft, shuddering sigh.
“Is it the same dream?” I ask.
She nods, her little nose digging into myshoulder.
“Tell me about it,” I growl, wanting this horror out in the world where I can vanquish it, even though I know nightmares don’t work like that.
“It’s my dad,” she says, sadness lacing her voice. “He got sick when I was a teenager and passed away.”
“I’m sorry.” Knowing full well how such a loss feels, I tighten my arms around her. If he didn’t die a violent death such as Bruna’s—and thank the goddess he did not—then her nightmares can’t be the same as mine, and I want to understand. “Is there something specific about it that causes the dreams?”
“I went to see him in the hospital right before the end.”