Ay! I love that smile.
Instead of handing it to me, he crouches behind me to hold it up so I can slip my arms into the sleeves. He slides it the rest of the way on, his hands cupping my shoulders as he positions it. Pausing like that, he continues to hold me as another wave of his magic ripples through the leather. The section over my breasts loosens from too tight to a comfortable snugness. The arms about an inch too long shorten to the perfect length. A dozen little alterations flow through the leather until it fits me exactly.
His hands fall from my shoulders, and he sits back on his heels. “How’s that?”
“Utter perfection!” I smooth my hands down the buttery leather. “This is the nicest piece of clothing I’ve ever owned.”
He gives his pleased grunt and returns to his seat.
This big grump scowls at the world, but he’s got to be one of the most thoughtful men I’ve ever met. He saw I was cold and did something to fix it. And he didn’t try to talk it up and make it a big deal to impress me. He simply did what needed to be done with that calm competency he has. It’s sexy as hell.
Comfy in my new jacket, I ease away from the fire a bit. Night’s fully fallen, leaving everything outside the glow of the firelight dark, but the light reflecting off the circle of trees around us makes it feel like we’re in our own little bubble. “Sing for me? Or play your guitar. Whichever you want. I’d love to hear you.”
Sturrm picks up his guitar case and pulls out the instrument. I know nothing about guitars, but I can still tell it’s lovely, the body a rich golden wood, the hourglass shapeelegant. His big hands caress its curves with expert attention, and I wish they touched me in exactly that same way.
His fingers pluck at the strings, and the sound fills the glen. It’s warm and rich and intimate, wrapping around me like a hug.
Then he starts to sing, his deep baritone vibrating with emotion.
My mouth drops open. Dios mio! Sturrm typically doesn’t let much show but grumps and scowls, but this… It’s as if everything he suppresses all day now bursts from him, showing the true man at the heart of him.
A man who feels greatly.
A man I want more than ever.
I sing for Selena, my favorite song, my best song.Under the Apple Treeis an old orc ballad brought by my ancestors from Avalon from a time when Faerie connected to all the realms, even Earth.
Long have I sung it because it was Bruna’s favorite. But this time feels different. This time, for Selena’s sake, I sing it not as a mournful tune. Instead, I find some of the song’s original intentions, allowing a note of anticipation and seduction to enter my voice. I shouldn’t. I know I shouldn’t. She is too young. She is not mine.
I ignore all of that, and I sing.
Come, lay thee under the apple tree,
And I’ll eat your fruit all night.
For you are the lovely lass for me,
Who bathes my heart in light.
Let pixies dance in all their glee,
And send away the sprite.
I need nothing intoxicating me,
But your beauty and delight.
I’ll love you well for all to see,
And kiss you by starlight.
Say you’ll come frolic with me,
From eve to morning light.