“Please, I need you,” she breathed.
He straddled her, pushing the large apple tip of his cock against the slick opening of her pussy. She hissed out a breath as he slowly pushed himself inside of her, giving her time to adjust to his thickness.
“Oh, my lord.” She moaned loudly and squeezed his arms tightly. “Sean. Oh, lord.”
Fires burst into raging infernos as he continued to bury himself deeper into her core. He stopped for a brief second when he encountered proof that she had never been with another man before.
“Please, don’t stop,” she cried. “I need you.”
Sean pushed past the barrier, and there was a slight pinch of pain before incredible sensations overtook her again.
Her nipples rubbed against his chest as he slowly pulled almost all the way back out of her, leaving only the large ball inside of her. He rocked back and forth, rubbing the ridge around his tip against the entrance of her pussy.
“Yes, Sean.”
He groaned as he buried himself deep inside of her again. Sean slowly pistoned in and of her in a smooth, rhythmic motion. She started moving her hips to match his movements,their bodies dancing to the slow, sensual beats of a song only their hearts could hear.
“You feel so good wrapped around my cock.”
He nibbled on her neck before possessing her mouth, his tongue making love to her mouth. His large cock stretched her wet, silken walls. Ecstasy exploded inside of her.
Lightning flashed in the air and thunder boomed as their bodies moved faster. He pulled almost all the way out of her again and drove hard and fast, sheathing himself in her velvety pussy.
“Sean. You feel so good.”
The heat built up inside of her and Xyla was certain that she was going to combust. Their bodies moved together and she gasped as he slammed hard into her.
“Yes. Yes. More. Please.”
Sean pumped hard and fast into her pussy. A volcano of pure molten lava exploded inside of her, pouring out over him. Her pussy walls pulsated, gripping his cock tightly.
He tilted his head back and moaned. His cock began to throb and he exploded, sending a fountain of his seed deep inside of her.
Sean held her close to him as they snuggled in front of the warm fire. The gears were turning in his head a million miles an hour.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were a virgin?”
“Because it didn’t really matter. I knew I wanted to be with you and it felt right. Don’t worry, I’m not going to demand a shotgun wedding or make any kind of demands. It happened and I’m not sorry.”
“That’s a good thing. I’m pretty sure that if you demanded a wedding or other type of commitment your father would have a heart attack.”
“Either that or he would murder me. Either way, someone would die.” She giggled and snuggled close to him.
“I hope your first time met your expectations.”
“It was good. Obviously, I don’t have anyone to compare the experience to. As far as I know, you could be the absolute best there is or you could be eh.”
“Eh?” Sean grinned.
He tickled her until she was laughing so hard that she cried out that she was going to pee all over the place.
“Fine. More than eh. You’re better than eh.”
They lay there for a few more minutes and then Sean said, “You probably ought to be getting back to the resort. You came here to get his meds and you’ve been gone for a while. Your dad might be a jackass, but he’s not an idiot.”