“You’re right. I know it’s ridiculous because I am a grown woman with my degree in nursing, and I have to sneak around like a child. If we weren’t in such close quarters, I wouldn’t care, but I don’t want him making everyone’s life miserable.”

“I understand. I’m not judging you.”

“I’m judging myself. I’m a consenting adult and we had sex, which was something I had fantasized about for a long time. It was great, I feel good, but I have to tiptoe around him like I’m sixteen.”

“When you get out of here and back to your life, it’ll be good. You can look back on your vacation with fond memories.”

Sean stood up and put out his hand to help her to her feet.

“I will say that you are an incredibly beautiful woman.”

Xyla blushed and smiled shyly. “Thank you.”

They quickly got dressed, and Xyla headed for the front door.

“Are you forgetting something?” Sean asked as he put out the fire.


“You came here for your father’s medication. Or was that just a ruse to get me here so you could seduce me?”

She shook her head and grinned. “Well, I hadn’t actually planned the seduction, but it turned out well if you ask me. I can’t believe I almost forgot the medication, though. Why he didn’t pack it when we bugged out, I’ve no idea.”

“He’s also just now mentioning that he needs it.”

“Yeah. Oh, well. It was a great excuse to live out a fantasy. I can mark that off my bucket list.”

Sean laughed and he helped her up the snow tunnel and then climbed up behind her.

It was lightly snowing as they walked back toward the main building. Xyla laughed and tried to catch the flakes on her tongue.

“You know, I’m going to laugh if you catch a bird dropping instead.”

“The birds that winter around here don’t fly at night and Ptarmigans usually stay on the ground, anyway. Don’t try to scare me.”

Sean laughed. “You did your research.”

“Yep. I looked up the different animals that Edward and I might see out here.”

She fell into step next to him, navigating the deep snow. A million thoughts raced through Sean’s mind. He hadn’t been celibate for the last six years, although he hadn’t been a dog, either. None of his encounters with other women had felt like sex with Xyla did. It almost felt as though there was some kind of an invisible meshing besides just their bodies.

Maybe our souls connected somehow.He shook his head.Quit being an idiot. It was just sex. Just the fact that it was forbidden and you were shagging a woman who hated your guts two days ago might have made the situation feel different.

“A penny for your thoughts,” she said as they got closer to their destination.

“They aren’t worth a penny.”

“Oh,” she said, sounding disappointed.

Sean wasn’t sure what she expected. She knew there wouldn’t be any declarations of undying love or promises.

Elliot jumped up from the chair as soon as they walked in the door.

“What in the hell took you so long?” He glared at Xyla and then at Sean.

“We decided to take a walk. The exercise felt good.” She pushed his medication into his hands and left the room.

Sean started to walk away but Elliot stopped him. The older man stepped so close to Sean that they were almost nose to nose. Sean refused to take a step back but didn’t want to put his hands on Elliot. He simply looked down at the man who was at least a foot shorter than him.