Page 37 of Redeeming Heart

“His father is in jail and my father forgot to mention that his father never took him seriously.” Brandon’s shoulders tensed up for a moment before falling.

“I laughed at something he said and yeah, he took it wrong and my father only informed me this morning. I feel like a total ass for what I did.”

“I’ve never seen a kid look up to someone as much as he looks up to you,” Brandon noted.

“Your friends make him believe that I am some kind of legend.”

“They aren’t lying because it is the truth.”

I shook my head. “My mom was the legend. I was just someone who followed in her footsteps.”

He pulled a face. A sign that he was getting fed up with me doubting myself. “Have you ever tried to google yourself?”

“No,” My mom kept me away from any tabloid that had my name in it. Told me that it would only bring me down and push me further away from my dreams.

“When you stopped playing the world noticed. You don’t see your worth, Adams.”

“It’s about the love for the game,” I repeated what he told me a few days ago.

I caught the smile in his eyes. “I’m glad you decided to join the team. It started to get boring without you.”

I just shook my head at his ridiculous thoughts and got in his car. Jonah barely acknowledged us as he was too busy playing a game on his PSP.

The drive was a bit awkward with the tension between Jonah and me, and it only got worse when we arrived home. My dad was waiting for us outside and he didn’t look happy.

Brandon gave me a look of concern when we pulled up. “Should I tell him that you come in peace?”

I gave him a reassuring smile. “You will get used to it when you get to know me. I always disappoint.” I shut the door and walked Jonah to the door but got pulled to the side by my father.

Meredith embraced Jonah like he was an angel and did nothing wrong. Even the look she gave me drove me absolutely bat-crazy.

Blame me. It was easy. I was the screw-up.

“You know what. Screw this.” I grumbled. Whirling around and walking back over to Brandon’s car. He didn’t say anything when I got back in his car. He only drove off and I silently thanked him.


I asked Brandon to drop me off at my aunt’s pub and I was slightly surprised when he decided to stay with me. I haven’t said a word since we left my house and he didn’t try to play a hero. He kept quiet and turned up his radio with music that I liked.

He was at least old enough to have a drink and Aunt Maggie said nothing when I bought him a drink.

“I don’t usually judge, but your dad seems a bit unfair,” Brandon said for the first time since leaving my house.

“I’ve done a lot of things to make him doubt me,” I informed.

He shook his head at me—not agreeing with how my father treated me.

“You lost your mom. Hell, I would probably lose my mind if I have to lose my mother. She’s my best friend and the only person I can talk to without feeling like an idiot.”

I hid my tears when I understood his relationship with his mother.

“She was my everything. My coach. My biggest fan and best friend.” I haven’t talked about my mom to anyone besides Aunt Maggie. “I completely lost sight of my life when she became ill and I blamed everyone—started to become a lost cause after her passing. Screwing up my life. You don’t even know half of it.”

“Nobody judged you for how you reacted.” I wish it was the truth but I knew better.

“Yet, nobody understood,” I mumbled.

He gave an understanding sigh. “Sometimes I wish the world can stop interfering and judging. Quit messing in and pretending that they know everything.”