Page 36 of Redeeming Heart

I rolled my eyes feeling like a teenager all over again. “I didn’t laugh at him. I laughed at something he said which I found amusing. It’s not my problem the kid doesn’t have humor.”

“Jonah’s father never took him seriously. Laughed at him when he was being serious. He tried hurting himself to get his father to take him seriously.” My father explained.

Oh, I did not know that. “How was I supposed to know that? You knew from the beginning that this was a bad idea to put someone like me with someone like him.”

“On the contrary, he has grown fond of you and looks up to you. He re-joined the team because of you.”

“I think it has more to do with Brandon Hills.”

“The boy who dropped you off the other day?” I was even surprised that he still remembered his name.

He still can’t seem to get over it. “Does it bother you so much that a boy dropped me off?” I queried.

He shrugged. “I sometimes forget that you are getting older when all I want is for you to stay small forever.”

I didn’t have a comeback on his remark because I didn’t know if just slipped out or he truly meant it. I decided to let it go and got myself some coffee before heading back up to my room to get ready for practice.

My dad was at least gone by the time I headed out. I grabbed my skateboard and hockey bag from their hidden place and made my way down the sidewalk and over to the training field.

It was an abandoned hockey field that we were only allowed to use temporarily until we find a new place.

The girls arrived one by one and we started with warm-ups and headed over to the drills. Our next game was in a week and we had to be ready. These girls we were facing were also looking for a chance to compete in the all-state tournaments.

I wasn’t sure if I should pick up Jonah from school or practice since he was upset with me. Nobody informed me on anything so I continued concentrating on practice.

“I don’t think I will be able to walk the next few days,” Briana complained, dropping to the ground and on her ass. Unscrewing the top of her bottle and dumped it all over herself.

“You are worried about walking. I am worried about getting back up.” Clarissa said.

“Hmm, maybe we can ask Brandon for a hand.” My brain didn’t immediately function to what she said but when I caught the look of admiration in a few of their eyes, it got me to glance over my shoulder and caught him making his way over with Jonah following him.

“What the heck?” I muttered to myself, standing up from the ground.

I met Jonah’s gaze and I immediately picked up that something was wrong. I lifted my gaze to meet Brandon who told me a lot. “What happened?” I asked.

“He punched a kid during practice and chipped his tooth,” Brandon explained, his lips twitching as he was trying not to smile.

I gave Jonah a pointed stare. Meredith was going to kill me. More likely my father because I am a bad influence.

“What happened, Jonah? Why?” I asked—trying to figure out what was going on. From when was he this aggressive?

“Why do you care anyway?” His attitude was very much unacceptable.

I arched an eyebrow ready to speak my mind but kept it suppressed for now. “Does your mom know?”

I prayed to God that Meredith didn’t know, it will at least give me a chance to come up with a reasonable explanation.

Jonah pulled his shoulders up. “I don’t know. The coach said he was going to call her.”

“Shit.” I cursed and headed back over to the girls to get my stuff.

“I have to go.” I excused myself and met up with Brandon as Jonah left already.

“He seems mad at you,” Brandon noted with an amused smile.

We headed over to his car. “Were you there when it happened?” I asked.

He nodded. “He seemed completely different today, compared to other days and I have a feeling it has to do with you.”