I’m about to go through security when I get this feeling. It’s the same one I used to get late at night when Mare would show up at my door. I don’t know why I do it, but I look over my shoulder, halfway hoping to see the love of my life.
She isn’t there. It’s just my mind playing tricks on me.
The line moves again, but only by a few steps. I let my eyes wander around the crowded airport, wondering why I can’t seem to shake the feeling that she’s here. I’ve always been able to feel her, and I’ve never been wrong about it, except for apparently right now.
We’ve spent too much time apart. My heart—and mind—are playing tricks on themselves with how much they miss her.
I’m following the businessman in front of me when I hear my name called from behind me.
I freeze. I could be in the most crowded of rooms and I’d recognize the voice anywhere. My heart feels like it could beat right out of my chest with excitement. I turn slowly, wondering if it’s been so long since I’ve seen Mare that I’m now hearing things.
Everything around me fades away when my eyes land on her.
My Goldie.
She looks so beautiful. Her blonde hair falls down her shoulders in waves. There isn’t a lick of makeup on her face, and I can already tell that her eyes have misted over.
“Goldie?” I ask hesitantly, stepping out of the line. It seems like I might not be getting on the plane after all. At least not yet.
I can’t believe my eyes. She’s here. My intuition wasn’t wrong. I could still feel her anywhere, even when I wasn’t expecting it.
“Cade,” she whispers. For a moment everything seems to be frozen in time. There’s nothing but the two of us. The world around us fades to black as our bodies collide.
Mare lets out a sob as her arms wrap around my neck. I don’t know who clings to the other tighter. Her legs wrap around my middle as she hoists herself up. She tucks her face against my chest as she lets out another cry.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, my lips pressed to her forehead. We’re probably making a scene, but I don’t give a shit.
“I could ask you the same question.” Her words are muffled against my shirt. She pulls away, her eyes puffy and cheeks red with emotion.
I lean in, unable to wait another second. Our lips press against one another and it’s like everything falls into place. You would never know we’ve spent time apart. We kiss like a couple of teenagers, unable to keep our hands off one another. Her hands cling to my face, holding my cheeks so tightly it’s like she’s afraid if she lets go that I’ll fade away.
I keep her pinned against me with one hand. The other hand travels up and down her back as I relish in the feeling of holding her again.
“We’re never spending that long apart again,” I demand, talking into her hair. I breathe in, wondering how I’ve gone so long without her comforting scent.
Mare laughs as I wipe the tears from her cheeks. These tears I can handle. They’re happy tears. They’re proof of our love—of us being together again.
“What is it about us and airports?” she jokes, wrapping her arms around my neck once again.
I set her down slowly but don’t let go of her. “What are you doing here, Goldie?” I had all of these plans about going to Chicago and telling her that I was ready and willing to do whatever it took toactuallybe with her.
“I came to Sutten to ask you a question.” She bites her lip to try and hide a smile. It’s the most stunningly beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.She’sthe most breathtakingly beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. She’s my Goldie. My sunshine. The light of my life.
And fuck, am I so incredibly happy to have her with me again.
“You came to ask me a question?” I ask, remembering her earlier answer.
Mare steps away, just far enough to reach into a purse I hadn’t realized she’d dropped to the ground when her body collided with mine.
“Yes,” she answers, reaching into her bag. “Averyimportant question.”
I cock my head to the side, confused. A flight attendant calls over the intercom for the next group of people to board my flight. If Mare is here, I have no intention of getting on that plane.
“Ask me anything.”
Mare pushes a stack of papers into my chest. They’re held together by a large binder clip at the top. Her smile is so bright as she holds it against my chest, waiting for me to take it. “How about you tell me the ending?”