Camden sighs, aiming an annoyed look in my direction. “Are you going to get in or are we just going to keep gossiping?”
I narrow my eyebrows at him. “I’ve known Pippa longer, so I get the front seat.” My eyes pop to the back of the van. There’s one tiny little seat, the rest of the van meant to hold deliveries and not another person.
Camden clicks his tongue. “I’m not sitting in the back.”
Pippa pats him on the shoulder. “In all fairness, we’re doing the whole dramatic rush to the airport scene for Mare. She should get the front seat.”
Camden looks appalled at Pippa’s words. Pippa doesn’t look apologetic in the slightest. His menacing glare doesn’t seem to deter her. “You’re the one whoinsistedon coming. Get in the back. And hurry, we’ve got to go!”
He lets out a low growl, shocking me by getting out of the front seat.
Oh my God.He just listened to Pippa?
There’s way more to this story I’m dying to find out. But first, we’ve got to get to the airport.
Camden gets in the back of the van, a few curse words coming from his mouth as he squeezes his tall body into the narrow space.
I hop in next to Pippa. She takes off immediately. The van shakes along the bumpy gravel driveway.
Pippa sighs. “You know, we could just call Cade and tell him not to get on the plane. Or to come back here.”
“That would be the logical thing to do,” Camden pipes up from the back of the van.
I shoot him a look. “I write romance novels for a living. That isn’t romantic and I wanted it to be a surprise that I’m back.”
“We could make up an excuse?” Pippa offers. “Come up with some reason to make him not get on the plane and come back home?”
My heart beats in my chest when I think about reuniting with him again. I shake my head at her suggestion. “No. I want to meet him at the airport.”
Before I can say anything else, Pippa slams on her breaks, sending Camden roughly against my seat. “What the fuck!” he shouts, his large hand grabbing the head rest of my seat to right himself.
Pippa laughs, undeterred by his harsh words. “Sorry!”
“Tell me, why couldn’t you just drive yourself?” Camden asks.
I chew on my lip. “I haven’t really driven a car in years. I haven’t had to.”
“We’re going on a little mini road trip to win Mare her man! Think of it as fun, Camden. You need more fun in your life.”
“My idea of fun was watching you choke on my—”
“Okay then!” Pippa yells, talking over Camden. She turns up the radio, and a country song blares from the speakers.
I look between the two of them, trying to piece together what has happened with Pippa in the months I’ve been gone. I keep my questions to myself—for now. Soon I’ll ask her what’s going on. I have to know how she apparently started hooking up withhimof all people.
For now, I focus on getting to Cade. On making sure we get there before he boards.
I’ve got one question I need to ask Cade.
I stare at my phone,wondering why Mare isn’t answering any of my texts. I’ve been trying to get a hold of her all morning and haven’t heard a thing. I keep reminding myself that it’s possible she’s just locked away finishing this book, but I can’t help but be a little worried.
Hopefully she’s taking care of herself. At least in a few short hours, I’ll be there with her to help however she needs. I’ll cook for her, clean for her, do anything while she finishes the book just as long as I’m with her.
I look at the text I’d sent Pippa earlier, wondering why it’s also gone unread.