But whoever my new seatmate was, they leaned in a bit too close, invading my personal space.

I snapped my head up to see what this person’s problem was.

My heart skipped a beat, or maybe it stopped all together.

I knew those glossy lips, those pink cheeks, those playful, sparkling brown eyes that could suck me in like maple syrup and trap me there forever.

Awareness pricked across my skin, along with the anticipation of touching her, holding her, claiming every inch of her with my lips. This time, I wouldn’t let my insecurities stop me from telling her everything I needed to say.

I must be dreaming; I was imagining her presence because I missed her so much.

“Esme is perfect.” Her lips curved upward as she read my words. “I like the sound of that.”

“How….” Now that she was in front of me, my tongue tied. She was so beautiful, like sunrise over the ocean, with hair and a smile just as bright.

“I know.” She angled her body toward me. “I’m a total stealth virtuoso. I’m thinking about starting a new career as a ninja.”

I grabbed her cheeks and kissed her hard. It was an apology, a promise, and a proclamation. It wasn’t enough. I’d never get enough.

When I let go, she looked dazed from the heat of it.

I turned toward her as fully as I could in the seat. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

“Ruining your grand return?”

“I wouldn’t sayruining.”

“Spoiling then.”

“You could never. I’m so glad to see you. I should never have left.”

She nodded. “Yeah, but you were coming back.”

“And you’re here. Why are you here?”

“To see you, obviously, and be the grand poobah of grand gestures. I beat you to it, so I win.”

I kissed her again. “Feels like I win.”

“As if.”

I chuckled. “I’m sorry I left. I should have stayed to talk things out. I’m sorry I didn’t speak up right away about the costume. I needed time to process, in the hopes that when I said something, I’d say it right.”

“And this is it?” She pointed at my pathetic draft.

I shrugged. “You interrupted my brainstorming time, so now you get what you get.”

“Well I still like it. If anything, it makes my win seem even bigger. I found your luggage, brought it all the way up to North Carolina for you.” She lifted the bracelet. “And this.”

“It’s a good bracelet,” I said.

“I made it for you. A billion years ago.”

“I remember.”

“And you kept it.”

“I did. It was a friendship bracelet from one of my very best friends.”