I’d already come all this way. It’d be stupid to just send him a text to work things out. That was fine for me and Gabe. But for Jasper, to prove I was ready to go all in, to show him I cared as much as he did when he’d packed the friendship bracelet for the wedding, I needed to do more.



The airport was bustling, but as I sat in a quiet corner and traced my finger over the top of my note, I felt like I was in my own little world.


You are my oldest and dearest friend. Upon reflection, I am ashamed of allowing shock to taint my response to what truly is joyous news.

Over the years you’ve shown me nothing but compassion. I should have treated you with the same grace. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive my overreaction and incivility.

No two people deserve to find love more than you and Esme. Going forward, I will be your relationship’s most devoted supporter.



I slippedthe parchment back into its envelope before stashing it in my bag and turning my attention to the massive airport window. Gabriel had apologized. I didn’t deserve it, but I appreciated the sentiment. And I was glad I’d checked my mail one last time before I’d left, or I would have missed it.

After I figured out all of the details of my new life, and after he returned from his honeymoon, we’d have to get together to have a proper chat. For now, I was grateful that the damage I’d caused wasn’t irreparable.

I was also grateful for his support of my relationship with Esme, whatever that would end up being.

If I had my way, she and I would spend the rest of our lives solving silly mysteries. We’d spend every night wrapped up in each other. And we’d raise our baby together, as a family.

I’d never wanted anything more in my life.

I watched planes lifting off the tarmac, each one a symbol of new beginnings. Hopeful anticipation thrummed through my veins.

My belongings were already on a boat somewhere on their way to the Caribbean. A room in the same resort I’d stayed in before awaited me. My properties were secured in a trust, managed by my brother Sebastian, with my assistant Marc at the ready to help him over the coming months.

All my ducks were in a row, and I was about to embark on the greatest adventure of my life. I couldn’t help but feel like everything had led me to this moment, leaving the life I knew behind for the woman I loved.

The attendant at the gate called my flight. I boarded the plane and stashed my carry-on in the overhead compartment.

I settled into my seat with a sigh of contentment and nerves.

As I waited for the remaining passengers to settle, I set the Milky Way I’d brought for Esme down at the top of my notepad.

I had a few hours still to figure out exactly what I wanted to say to Esme.

In November, Esme and I didn’t recognize each other at the costume party because neither of us should have been there. I was only invited as a replacement for my father. Esme had snuck in.

Yet we found each other.

I had to believe that meant something. Maybe part of us recognized each other then, even if we didn’t completely know it at the time. Maybe we’d always been crashing through the brambles to find each other.

I scribbled a few ideas out as I tried to find the right words. She deserved poetry and pizzazz. Everything had to be perfect, because Esme was perfect.

Ooh, that was good. I wrote it down.

From the corner of my eye, I saw someone plop into the seat beside me.

And I smelled strawberries, almost like Esme, which was impossible because Esme was in Calypso Caribella.

I didn’t look up, only stared more intently at my notepad.