Page 30 of Sins

“Seems to me, you have me the way you want.” She turned to push her lips to mine then pulled back. “So, what’s the problem with me having dinner with an old friend?”

I didn’t like the feeling that ran through me, so I grabbed her hips and finished what I started. Perhaps I was a little rougher than I meant to be, but her screams made it worth it. She held on and took everything I gave her. I wanted her to feel me for the rest of the day.

She looked royally fucked by the time we stepped into the elevator and headed down toward the rest of the world. I smirked when she yawned and sagged into the wall with a sleepy look. I had both boys with me, even if Leal avoided eye contact with me when he stole pats from Kenna every so often.

“Hey,” I grabbed her hand when she went to step out and pulled her back to me, “have dinner with me.”

“Instead of Benny?” She gave me a knowing look. “Give me a reason that doesn’t end with you inside me.”

“Are you complaining?”

“Are you deflecting?” she challenged then waited a beat before she stepped back. “He’s just a friend, Grim.”

“He wants you.”

She walked backward, and I followed. The boys shifted instantly into business mode. “And what if he does?”

My insides twisted and I felt my face twist into a scowl. “I’ll kill him.”

“Your kill list is pretty long, baby.” She grinned. “Besides, Benny is the least of your problems.”

“We’ll see about that. Don’t forget that gorgeous pink bikini when we leave for Italy tomorrow.”

“Already packed. Have a good day, Mr. Gates.” She chuckled and waved over her head as she swayed her hips away from me.

Zhar stiffened, and his ears told me someone was approaching from behind me.Fuck me, now what?

“Mr. Gates?” I found Simon with both hands in his pockets. He looked like he’d gotten less sleep than I had. “May I have a word?” He looked around. “Alone.”

Intrigued, I nodded and waved him toward a quiet room. Something told me Cameron wasn’t aware of this meeting. I opened the door and let him go first. I couldn’t help but be amused when he sidestepped Leal, who looked back at me forpermission for a taste. I shook my head, and he huffed as he followed us. I closed the door and told the boys to sit.

“I’m worried about Kenna,” he blurted, and I was instantly on alert. “I care about her, and I know you do too,” he cleared his throat like he was nervous how that came across, “but in different ways, of course. This isn’t about Cameron, though I don’t blame you if you thought it was…” He started to babble, and I checked my watch.

“I’m a busy man, Simon,” I cut in, “and you have the five remaining free minutes I have left.”

“Yes, sorry.” He pushed his glasses up his nose as he muttered something. “I know we are often on different sides of the fence, given my employer, and I stay working for him for my own reasons, but I need you to know I would never hurt Kenna.”

“Good. Then I won’t have to kill you,” I said, deadpan, and his eyes widened. “Now, get to the fucking point.”

“I think I know who Kenna’s stalker is.” He seemed to just blurt shit, but at least we were getting somewhere.

“And who might that be?” I wasn’t about to get excited until I had some real proof.

“Look, you may or may not know I spent some time in prison,” his face went apologetic as he added hurriedly, “for a crime I never committed.”

“And this is important, why?”

I knew Leo had done a background check on Simon. There were a few things that had seemed off about what he’d been accused of, but I didn’t give a shit because it wasn’t anything I thought would come back on our family. Besides, he worked with Cameron, so that meant I kept him as far away from my life as I could.

“I made friends with my cellmate,” he went on. “He had a bit of a problem with women and often became obsessed with them, but I kept my distance and turned the other way whenever I sawit. He had a lot of pull, and I wasn’t going to mess with him. In the end, he helped get me an early release through Cameron.” He rubbed his arm. “I didn’t see it with Kenna until it was too late.”

“See what?” I folded my arms and fought to keep my anger down. I was impatient for him to get to the damn point. “And what do you mean, too late?” The hairs on my skin prickled, knowing something dark was coming.

“I think he’s her stalker. He came over last night, drunk, and when he passed out, I noticed a black Sharpie smudge on the side of his hand.” Instantly, both dogs cued in to my change in heartbeat and were on high alert. My jaw locked tightly in place. “I heard that Tracy girl who was involved in all of this was killed, and I also heard there was a drawing on her body, and it was done with marker.” He licked his lips and waited for me to speak.

“And how do you know this?”

“I don’t know for sure, of course, but when I saw that marker, it just hit me. I’m a PI, and Kenna’s my boss’s daughter. Cameron pays good money for me to know things, and I like Kenna. I also know my friend, and –”