Page 29 of Sins

“If the Gateses know Cameron’s behind their son's death, why aren’t they making a move?” He pulled at the collar of his shirt. “I feel like I’m looking over my shoulder waiting for the repercussions because of my association with him.”

“I suspect they know.” I huffed out a breath. “As far as why they’re not moving on it, if they do, I’ve no idea. Cameron told me he ran into Kenna, and things seemed normal. Claws out and lots of snapping back and forth. She didn’t seem nervous, but then again, Grim was right there when the doors opened, so…” I shrugged. “Apparently, they were spotted having dinner together at Secrets, so nothing seems to out of the ordinary.”

“I see.” He kicked his feet up on the table, and I cringed at my copy of Home and Hearth that was being crumpled by his shoes. “Do you think it’s just a front? The two of them?”

“No,” I hated the idea of that tainted man touching something as flawless as Kenna, “and I don’t think Sonny would have outed himself the way he did if he didn’t believe they were together either.”

“He’s such an asshole.” Kurt took another swig. “Sonny’s always been in love with her.”

“Yes, he has.” I didn’t blame him; Kenna was a whole different level of a woman.

He looked around the room, and his eyes became heavy. The scotch was clearly catching up to him. “The time is coming,” he murmured.

I watched as his eyes closed, and I took a deep breath, happy he’d passed out already and nothing had been broken or ruined. His ball hat slipped down over his eyes as a snore fell from deep inside. The bottle wobbled in his slack hand, and I lunged to grab it before it crashed on the floor. It wouldn’t be the first time I’d had to clean up after one of his visits.

I froze when I saw the black smudge on his little finger and side of his palm. I studied it further, and my blood started to boil. “What the hell?” The telltale sign of a permanent black marker smudge. It looked faded, like when someone tries to scrub the ink off, but you can never get it all. It was a dead giveaway. “Hey!” I smacked his cheek, and he jolted back to the living with a yelp. “What’s this from?”

“What are you talking about, for fuck’s sake? I dunno,” he muttered and shut his eyes again. I covered my mouth and was immediately hit with a memory.

“Hey, Wanda.” CM jumped off the table he sat on and nearly knocked over the books I was organizing. He ran up to theguard on duty. She eyed me uncomfortably, and I looked away. When I first met her, I thought she was nervous of me because I was in prison for murder, but I soon realized over the last few months it was because CM had become way too pushy with her. She’d made the mistake of crossing that line with an inmate, and I knew she regretted it. CM was charming, but she’d made a mistake when she flirted with him. She hadn’t banked on how much he wanted her to always be around.

He brushed her arm, and she quickly moved it back. He didn’t pick up on her hints that she was no longer interested. I knew there’d been more than a few female guards who moved quickly away from him when he was around. He would just wink at me and smile then walk off.

“God, she’s a beauty.” He sat down and leaned in. “We’re gonna meet up tonight.” He wiggled his eyebrows and made a rude gesture. I pushed the ratty spine of James and the Giant Peach into its rightful place and glanced over my shoulder at how uncomfortable Wanda seemed.

Suddenly, a letter was dropped on the table by another guard, and I caught the name on it. CM grinned at me and shrugged as he picked it up. “I guess we’re buddies now. Maybe it’s good you know my real name.” He held out his hand. “Kurt Moore. Pleased to officially meet you.” He smiled wide.

“Fuck.” I spun out of my memory and pulled out my phone. I looked at Kurt as he snored away in my chair. I tapped the screen to make a call then stopped myself and studied him a moment. “My old friend, you’ve gone too far this time.” I sighed deeply. The writing was on the wall, and I hated to see it. “Dammit! Okay, okay.” I tapped my temple and thought it might be the time. “All right.” I closed my eyes and centered myself as I sat back to hatch a plan.

By the time morning came, I knew what I needed to do. The place smelled of warm muffins, and I put two on a plate and set them on the table in front of Kurt along with a bottle of water and a couple of painkillers. I grabbed my keys and headed for the door. Kurt loved anything carb, and I knew from his past he wouldn’t be able to resist the painkillers and the smell from the Ativan-laced pastry. I was sure he’d be out for a while.


Imoaned as I shifted and was pleased to find I was still inside Kenna. I buried my face in her neck and breathed in deeply as I moved slowly in and out a few times.

I couldn’t wait to get her to Italy. We were already packed and ready to leave the following day. Elio had sent word that it was time to celebrate and had invited our family and friends to help him party. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’d been there many times and knew Kenna would love it. Elio never spared any expense when it came to celebrating, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to leave Kenna behind.

“Morning.” She bowed her back, and I palmed her breast and rolled her nipple between my fingers.

“I need you.” I kissed her shoulder. The memory of last night’s sex came back to me. We had kept it up until neither of us could move and had fallen asleep totally spent. I eyed my bookshelf, and more than half of them were on the floor thanksto some wild moves. I couldn’t get enough of her. I craved her. I turned her on her front and rolled to my knees and took her from behind. Her arms went up to act as pillow for her head, and a lazy smile spread across her lips as I pumped into her. The early morning sun began to peek through the open shades.

My phone lit up and vibrated against the nightstand, but I knocked it aside and sent it flying across the room. Leal growled his displeasure at the noise.

Kenna peeked up at me from behind her long lashes. “You keep this up, I won’t be able to walk right.”

“That’s the plan.” I picked up the pace, and she reached between her legs and cupped my balls. “Christ, woman, you have a death wish.” Her phone vibrated under my knee, and I pulled it free and saw the screen.

Benny: I leave tomorrow. I’d love to see you. Dinner tonight?

Anger bubbled to the surface, and I leaned over her body and showed her the text message. “Decline this.”

She pulled it closer to read the message. “No.”

I ran my fingers along her neck and across her stomach, then I tugged her up onto all fours. I tilted her chin to look at me. “He wants you.” I thrusted a few times to drive my point home.

“Do you want me?” she countered.

“I want you like this.” I stopped myself from saying anything else.