“Aww.” Paige grinned at him.
“You can always count on Leo to be the first to give you a hug and make sure all’s okay. He’s the teddy bear of the family. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a shark at what he does, but he’s got a fluffy center.”
“I do wear my heart on my sleeve.” Leo winked at her. I had to agree my brother could be a softie. He genuinely liked people, and it showed. It was one of the reasons I felt the need to protect him so much.
“And Grim?” Paige looked at me.
“Where to begin with Mr. Gates?” Kenna grinned at me, and I watched as she thought. “Intense, temperamental, unpredictable, bossy as hell,” Leo went to say something, but she held up a hand, “but with all of that, he’s wildly smart, always puts his family before himself, and would kill for you.”
“Sounds like you have a couple of great bosses.” Paige smiled around the table. “What about you, Kenna? If you entertain clients, you must get hit on a lot.” My God, this woman just dove right in.
“Yes,” Kenna nodded, “it’s all part of the job.”
“Does your boyfriend ever get jealous?”
“I don’t know. Do you, Grim?” Leo grinned at me before he laughed into his glass, and I pulled the bottle out of his reach.
“Grim? Oh, he’s not my boyfriend,” Kenna assured her as Leo snorted.
“Oh, really.” She ignored Leo. “Does that mean I can introduce you to my friend? He’s right over there.” Paige waved toward the bachelor party, and I cleared my throat as Leo laughed harder.
“Enjoying yourself?” I glared at him.
“I’m just proving a point.”
“Which is?”
“You have feelings for her.” He scooped up a handful of peanuts from a dish.
“My goodness, someone’s letting loose tonight.” Kenna leaned back in her seat. I slit my eyes at her as I saw something flicker across her face. “You know, Leo, I think I might join you in this carefree mood.”
“Ohh,” Leo leaned across the table, “what does McKenna Lodge have going on in her pretty little head?”
Kenna reached out and slid a water glass to the middle of the table then slid mine over as well. Then she scooped up the bottle of gin and poured us each a double then topped up Leo’s. Paige pushed her own glass over.
“We don’t have to be up and moving until two in the afternoon, right, boss?”
“Right,” I agreed. I couldn’t help but enjoy how much I liked her nickname for me.
“Then let’s have a little fun.”
A bottle and a half later, and we were way past tipsy, maybe even drunk. I wasn’t sure. I usually only drank that way when I was with Trigger and Elio. It wasn’t easy for me to let go. I needed control, but I trusted that Jesse and the team had things in order. There weren’t many people left, just a few stragglers from the party across the way.
Why not?
“Wait,” Kenna tried to catch her breath from laughing, “you didn’t skinny dip!”
“I did,” Leo covered his face as he continued with his story. “Mom was mortified, but that was just because her client’s son decided to snorkel.”
“How old was he?” Paige was enjoying herself.
“Fifteen.” Leo looked over at me, and I reined in my own laughter. “You think that’s funny, why don’t we share some of Grim’s stories?”
“I have none.” I glanced at Jesse, who looked away. He knew better.
“I beg to differ.”
“If there were, any witnesses have been well paid for their silence,” I assured them.