Page 67 of Havoc

“I’m still trying to figure it out.”

“What do you mean?”

“Morey booked the appointment because he wanted to show a client around the hotel, but every time I brought that up, he redirected the conversation.”

“To what?” That piqued my interest.

“To me. He seemed to want to know about me.”

“I see. Didn’t that send any red flags?”

“Of course.” She rolled her eyes. “It wasn’t like he was digging so much as he seemed to be fact checking. Like on something he heard.”

“Which was?”

“I’m not sure. We were interrupted by Cameron. He wanted to try again to get me to skip out on this trip so I could entertain the perv.”

“I don’t know how you do it.” I pushed back the flair of anger. Cameron hadn’t won, and she was here with us.

“It’s challenging,” she let out a long breath, “but he’s my dad.”

I grunted then felt my phone vibrate. It was Leo.

Leo: Find Kenna and meet me at the bar. I have someone I want you to meet.

I waited until Kenna returned then held out a hand. “Leo has requested our presence at the bar. He wants us to meet his friend, I imagine.” She took my hand, and I lifted her out of the water. The strings on her skimpy bikini top strained under the weight of her breasts. Without thinking, I rubbed the pad of my thumb over a perky nipple. At her look, I fought back everything inside and handed her a towel.

“I’ll go change and meet you there.” She grinned and stepped around me as I let out a breath. I had to force myself to hold back my constant response to her body. I’d paid her a compliment earlier, and she didn’t need it followed up with a sexual response. She didn’t deserve that, especially from me. I signaled Jesse to have one of the guys go with her up to her suite, then headed to the bar.

“Grim!” Leo’s wide smile told me he was well into the bottle of gin that sat next to his glass. His ear-to-ear grin made me laugh. “Come join us, brother.” He made the introductions as I took a seat at his table. I spotted the bachelor party fellow from earlier. They were in full swing on the opposite side of the bar. Charlie brought me a fresh drink.

I ordered a glass for Kenna. “Glass of Bryant Cabernet Sauvignon as well, please.”

“You found her?” Leo looked at his phone. “Her phone was turned off.”

“Cameron,” was all I said, and he let it go. I tried my best to seem interested in Paige. She seemed very nice, but my thoughts drifted to Kenna in her bathing suit.

“Ah, there she is,” Leo literally bounced in his seat, “looking mighty fine in her little black dress.” I frowned as one of the men from the bachelor party whistled.

“Wrong party, girl!” he hooted, and she waved with a smile as I pulled out the chair next to me. As she slipped onto it, she offered her hand to Paige, and Leo introduced them.

“Sorry for taking so long. I had to change, then the client I met with this morning emailed.”

“Morey Ines?” I had to ask.

“No.” Leo held up a hand. “No work talk. Please, guys, my head needs a break.”

“Yes, and fair enough.” Kenna leaned over, and the smell of her perfume made my head swim. “I’ll fill you in tomorrow.”

“Kenna,” Paige pulled her attention, “Leo tells me you’re a super host for Indulge. What’s it like working for these two?”

“Tell the truth.” Leo broke out in laughter. “Whatever’s said tonight won’t be held against you later. I promise.”

“I never agreed to that,” I chimed in, and Kenna laughed with Leo.

“Okay, just give me a little insight into these two.” Paige rephrased the sentence.

Kenna pointed to Leo. “He’s the sweet one.”