None of that was what was bothering me though. Now that everything was over, I knew things would change. Rogue had even mentioned making plans once I felt better this evening. It was the prospect of what those plans entailed that made me nervous. I had grown accustomed to being with Rogue now. The thought of him no longer being in my life hurt. Not to mention the fact that I was certain another man would never be able to make me feel the same way he did, nor would I want another man to touch me.
Rogue’s ideas for the future and what that meant for us kept going through my mind, making me crazy. So, I left the bed, against the doctor’s orders, and walked over to the balcony. I opened the French doors letting in the fresh air. The cool breeze felt good. I took a deep breath and moved over to the railing.
“What the hell do you think you are doing, Angel?”
I didn’t bother to turn around. “I was tired of being in bed and wanted to get some fresh air.”
He moved behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist before pressing a soft kiss to my neck. “You should have waited for me. The doctor said that with your concussion you could experience dizziness.”
“I wasn’t sure how much longer you would be, and I think the doctor is being overly cautious. I feel much better now.”
Rogue turned me around to face him and I watched as his eyes scanned over my injuries. “Regardless, the doctor said for you to rest and that is what you are going to do. Don’t make me get the handcuffs, sweetheart.”
The smile on his face made my heart twist. “You said we were going to talk about plans, and I think I would feel better if we did so now.”
His eyes narrowed as he stared down into my face. “What’s on your mind, Angel?”
I took a deep breath and decided it was best just to get it over with. “Is the danger gone? The men that attacked Nickolai, the ones that you said were watching you and would take me if given the opportunity, they are gone?”
“Yes, sweetheart. It has been handled. The threat is over.”
“And Tony?”
His fingers came up to lightly brush across the bruise on my cheek. “Gone. No more nightmares.”
I closed my eyes, trying to shut out the way his touch on my skin made me feel. “If there is no longer any danger, I just want you to know that I will understand and not make a fuss.”
His fingers stilled and his eyes darkened.
I pulled away from his embrace and turned around knowing it would be easier for me to say what needed to be said if I wasn’t looking at him.
“What are you talking about, Bri?”
“I heard you on the phone a few days ago reiterating that the only reason why you married me was to protect me, to keepme safe. It only makes sense that now the threat is gone, the marriage is no longer necessary.”
I heard him inhale deeply. “Is that what you want?”
“It doesn’t matter what I want. You did what you promised. You protected me and saved me from the biggest monster I have ever encountered. It wouldn’t be right of me to try to hold you to a commitment you didn’t want.”
At first, I didn’t think he would say anything. It seemed like time had stopped. He made no move to touch me.
“Turn around and look at me.”
I did as he asked and the stormy expression on his face made me quiver.
“What are you trying to say, Angel?”
I looked away. “You married me with the sole purpose of protecting me, you did that. I assumed now that the danger has passed, you would want things to be as they were before.”
He fisted a handful of my hair and forced me to look at him. “I asked you a question and I expect an answer. Is that what you want?”
I felt my heart race. No, it wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted to stay with him. I wasn’t sure how I would walk away if told me that was what he wished. I shook my head as one whispered word passed through my parted lips.
His frown turned up slightly. “Then why would you suggest something so ludicrous?”
His arms wrapped around me, and he pulled me close.