Page 94 of Fiercely Protective

I found him in the kitchen with Alessio and Eden. “I don’t want to burden Bri with a shit ton of questions so tell me whatyou can.” It was then that I really took notice of his appearance. His shirt was torn, and he was coated in dried blood. “I sent for the doctor. He can examine you too.”

“No need. None of this is my blood.”

I glanced over at Alessio who still had Eden wrapped in his embrace.

Michael knew I had never been patient and thankfully didn’t make me wait for an explanation.

“Bri had gone to the bedroom to change. She was to meet me in the gym to practice more self-defense moves. On my way there, I heard glass break here in the kitchen and came to find Eden fending off two men. She was armed with a knife in one hand and a coffee mug in the other and seemed to be holding her own, but you know me, I hate to see a lady in distress.”

“You killed them?”

“Yes, their bodies are in the dining room. I moved them out of sight.”

I looked at Eden. “Are you alright?”

“Yes, thank goodness Father Michael was here. How is Bri?”

“Other than a few cuts and bruises, I think she will be fine. We will know more after the doctor examines her. The hard hit she took to her head when she stumbled down the stairs worries me.”

Alessio stepped toward Michael. “I am forever in your debt, but since the two of you seem to have everything in hand, we will be returning to New York.”

Michael shook his hand, but I could tell he was uncomfortable with the situation.

Alessio and Eden left the room, and I turned back to Michael.

“If you don’t need me for anything right away, I’m going to shower. But before I do, what happens next?”

“Blaze has taken Tony to the chambers. He will wait there. You know what his fate will be and don’t try to convince me that I should show mercy.”

His head dropped and looked at the blood staining his hands. “I don’t think I have the right to tell anyone how they should live. I just killed two men and the sad part is that I have no remorse.”

“Some men don’t deserve to live, Michael. You are merely God’s outstretched hand of vengeance.”

He rolled his eyes. “Don’t start being philosophical. Go be with Bri. I’ll see you later.”

I made my way back up to the master suite. I could still hear the shower running and I walked into the bathroom to see Bri sitting on the floor underneath the hot water. Her knees were pulled up to her chest and her arms were wrapped around them. I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower with her. She didn’t even notice me at first. I sat on the floor behind her and pulled her closer so that my arms could wrap around her body.

She didn’t speak, nor was she crying, but I did think she was in some kind of shock. “Angel? Are you hurt anywhere else?”

She shook her head but still didn’t speak.

“The doctor will be here soon, love, and once he has made certain you are alright, I will put you to bed and have the chef cook whatever you want to eat tonight.”

I continued holding her until the water turned cool, then carried her back to the bedroom and wrapped her in a blanket. “I’m going to change clothes and go downstairs. The doctor should be here in a few minutes, and I’ll bring him up. Do you need anything, Angel?”

“No, I’m fine. But how is Father Michael? I saw him and there was so much blood.” Her voice was small and quiet.

“Not a scratch on him. He will be trying to save my soul again in no time. Alessio and Eden have already left for the airport. He was anxious to get back to New York and Blaze will likely head back into the city.”

I leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Just rest and when the doctor leaves, if you feel up to it, we will make some plans.”

I walked toward the closet, dressed quickly, and went downstairs to make certain everything was being taken care of. I didn’t want Bri to see any more of the blood and death than she had already. The sooner I could erase what happened from her mind the better off she would be.


The doctor arrived not long after Rogue had left the room. Other than a slight concussion and a few cuts and bruises I would be fine. He suggested I take a day or two to rest and left some pain medicine if I needed anything stronger than Ibuprofen.

Rogue had not returned upstairs since the doctor had left. With everything that went on today, I wouldn’t be surprised if I didn’t see him for a few hours. I had no idea what getting rid of a body entailed, but I assumed no police would be involved. It was probably best if I didn’t know anything.