I turned her back around and lifted her so that she was settled down over my dick again, her legs wrapped around my waist as I carried her from the bathroom to our bed where I would fuck her until the light of morning brought me back to cold reality.
My eyes felt heavy, and I was still so incredibly sleepy, but after spending another passionate night with Rogue, I was not surprised. I blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the bright light streaming in through the windows. My arms reached out to discover the bed empty. Rogue wasn’t there, but that wasn’t the most disturbing thing. This wasn’t the same bed I had fallen asleep in, and I was dressed. When I fell asleep, I had been most definitely naked and curled against Rogue’s side, his arms around me. I scrambled up to a sitting position to take in the room as the sun’s brightness filtered in through the large floor-to-ceiling windows. My head felt heavy and there was an intense pounding right behind my eyes. I put a hand over my forehead, trying to make the pain stop.
This was most definitely not the penthouse. My heart began to beat faster as fear began to settle over me.Where the hell was I? What had happened?
“Oh good, you’re awake.”
A soft feminine voice on the other side of the room drew my attention. I stared at her for a few minutes and her smile widened.
“I know you must be confused, and I am sorry that our first meeting had to be this way.”
“Where am I?”
She stepped closer to the bed, and I quickly pushed aside the covers ready to run for the door if necessary.
She sighed heavily, clasped her hands in front of her, and stopped moving. “I want you to know that I told Rogue he never should have done this. But he is just as stubborn as my husband.”
I squinted my eyes and tried to get my brain to focus. “Who are you?”
“I know you have a lot of questions and trust me when I say that I know exactly how frightening it is to wake up and not know where the hell you are, but if you will take a few minutes to calm down, I can explain everything to you. It may not make you feel better, but it will at least take away some of your confusion as to how you got here.”
My eyes darted around the unfamiliar room, hoping Rogue would walk through the door and explain everything himself. Or, I would wake from whatever weird dream I was having.
“I don’t think calming down is an option at this point.”
The small pretty blonde nodded. “Trust me, I get it, but give me a few minutes to explain. Then if you still want to scalethe walls and run, I will completely understand. I’ll even help you.”
“Fine. Start explaining.”
“Would you like something to drink or eat first? I can have one of the housekeepers bring something up for you.”
I shook my head, growing more impatient by the second. “Where is Rogue?”
“Let’s start with something less complicated, shall we? My name is Eden Messina. My husband Alessio is a friend and business partner of Rogue. They have known each other for a few years, Blaze too. We flew in this morning to help with whatever situation those two are mixed up in. But before we could get to our hotel suite in the city, Rogue called and asked us to meet him here. We arrived just as he was carrying you inside the house.”
My eyes squinted as I tried hard to listen and understand what she was saying. “Why don’t I remember anything? How could I not remember getting dressed or driving here? You say he carried me inside. How did I not wake up for that? I have never been that sound of a sleeper.”
She rolled her eyes and her pretty smile slipped. “That’s the part you aren’t going to like. Rogue was worried about how you would react to him bringing you here and then leaving. He mentioned that you were anxious about it, and he thought if he gave you something to help ease your anxiety it might help make it easier for you.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Rogue did this to me?”
She nodded sympathetically. “He put something in your drink last night. It was meant just to relax you, but it knocked you right out. You have been sleeping soundly for hours. Rogue’s personal physician was called, and he said there would be no strange side effects and that you should wake up within a few hours. Sedatives affect people in different ways.” She took another step closer. “Be grateful that he didn’t use chloroform. Unfortunately, I know firsthand that it gives you a horrible headache for several hours after you wake up as well as nausea. You are feeling alright, aren’t you?”
I put a hand to my forehead, trying to comprehend what she was saying. “Yes, I’m fine except for the fact that I have been drugged. I can’t believe he did this to me.” I thought back and vaguely remembered him bringing me some juice just before we went to sleep.
She nodded a sad mixture of sympathy and pity on her face. “If it makes you feel any better, I gave him an earful letting him know exactly what I thought about it. I felt it was the least I could do, considering you were unable to do it yourself.”
I sank back down on the bed letting her words sink in. “Why? Why would he do that? I still don’t understand.” I looked around the room still confused. “Where am I?”
“I am not sure why he did it. The excuse he gave me was that he just wanted you to have something to relax. He never imagined that the medication would affect you the way it did. I am not defending him, just letting you know that I truly believe he had the best intentions. As to where you are, you are at Rogue’s estate outside of Chicago. I have to say, I am rather impressed. This is the first time I have ever been here, but it is quite lovely.”
“Rogue owns an estate?”
She nodded. “Yes, a rather large one.”
“Where is Rogue?”