Page 85 of Fiercely Protective

“That is the complicated part of all this, and I am not exactly certain what is going on. My husband doesn’t tell me very much about his business and to be honest with you, I’m not sure I want to know.”

“Your husband is….”

“Don of the Messina family.”

I rolled my eyes. “Of course, another mafia connection. The second I have met in the past week.”

My eyes closed, and I pinched the bridge of my nose with two fingers. The headache I had when I woke was beginning to get worse. “Let me see if I have this correct and please forgive me if I get the events confused, but you are saying that Rogue drugged me, brought me to his estate, where I have never been before, and left me here to wake up alone with a stranger. He really thought that would ease my anxiety and make this transition easier for me?”

“What can I say, men like Rogue and my husband are impulsive and don’t always make the most rational decisions, especially when they are in love. But we are not alone. They left us well-protected. My constant shadow Tomas is here, as well as a man named Michael. I have never met him before, but he seems capable. He said he was a priest although I have never seen a priest that looks like him before.”

She winked and gave me a cheeky grin. “He and Tomas are downstairs having breakfast. I thought it would be best if yousaw a friendly face when you woke, someone who understands what you are going through. I am sorry you had to find out this way. I know Rogue never expected the medication he slipped into your drink to be so effective. If it makes you feel better, he was very worried.”

I narrowed my eyes in frustration. “He should be worried because I am going to kill him.”

Her eyes twinkled as she giggled at my comment. “I was hoping you would have that reaction, now I know we can be friends. I don’t blame you. I have been in a similar situation and Alessio is very lucky I was never able to get my hand on a weapon.”

I know she was doing her best to make me feel more at ease, but I wasn’t sure that was possible. “I would like to speak to Michael.”

She motioned toward the door. “You are free to do as you wish.”

I stood from the bed and walked quickly to the door. As I stepped into the hallway, I realized just how expansive Rogue’s mansion was. There was a dual staircase that led down to a large entryway. I continued walking as I looked around, surprised at the differences between the penthouse and the mansion. Where the penthouse was dark and masculine, this house looked like something out of a magazine. Professionally decorated with lots of large windows letting in the sunlight, the color schemes were lighter, not nearly as menacing as I would have thought Rogue preferred. It was beautiful.

“The kitchen is to your right once you get downstairs. Just follow the voices.”

I looked over my shoulder to where the woman was standing along the railing. She was exceptionally beautiful, like a real-life Barbie. She was the type of woman men noticed, and I wondered if her husband was as protective of her as Rogue had been with me.

I made my way down to the kitchen, my bare feet not making a sound as I followed the voices and the rich smell of coffee brewing. When I peeked around the corner, I was relieved to see one familiar face.

Michael jumped down from where he was sitting on the countertop talking to a man I didn’t recognize, but whom I assume was there to protect Eden Messina. He had a darker complexion and dark hair. His eyes followed me into the room and like all the other men I had met recently, he looked as if he could kill someone and not think twice about it.

“Brielle, I’m glad you are awake. Come have a seat and I’ll get you some coffee and something to eat. Are you feeling well?”

I walked farther into the room, my eyes darting between Michael and the tall broad-shouldered Italian man standing on the opposite side. My mind was still reeling with everything that had happened and I kept thinking that I wake up from whatever kind ofAlice inWonderlanddream I was having. “I don’t want coffee. I want to know why the hell Rogue drugged me and brought me here.”

Michael looked back at the other man, who had lowered his head and looked away with what I thought was a suspicious grin on his face.

“With as angry as you look, Rogue should be glad that he is not here.”

“Anger is just one of many emotions I am feeling now. Why would he do this to me?”

Michael held a cup of coffee in both hands as he moved closer to me. “Rogue did tell you that he was bringing you someplace safe away from the city.”

“Yes, but I wasn’t aware that he would drug me, drop me off, and leave me to wake up with strangers.”

Michael at least had the good sense to look ashamed. “I know you may not believe me, but that was not Rogue’s intention. The medicine he gave you was supposed to relax you and help you sleep. Instead, it had an anesthetizing effect and knocked you out. And while I am not condoning it, he refused to leave until I got here just in case you woke up. He wanted at least one of us to be familiar. He was really worried.”

I narrowed my eyes. “How considerate.”

Michael grinned but wisely didn’t try to take up for Rogue again.

“As a priest, I know you have to preach forgiveness, but right now I am firmly on the retribution side of things.”

The young woman from earlier walked into the kitchen. “I like her.”

Michael took a sip of his coffee. “At least with Rogue being away for a few days, it will give us ample time to work and practice more self-defense moves.”

At this Eden stepped closer, obviously intrigued. “Self-defense? You are teaching her self-defense moves?”