Everywhere I looked, jewels sparkled and skirts swished. Stringed music softly played, allowing the roomful of guests to chat and mingle. Each face was hidden by a mask of varying color, concealing their identity. Several couples twirled about the room, their movements unnaturally graceful as they danced.
The ballroom itself was massive, made entirely of gold. Even the ceiling was elaborately sculpted in burnished golden hues. Chandeliers, columns, and candelabras made the space appear to have been fashioned from a fairy tale. Human maids flitted about the guests along the edges of the dance floor, holding trays of golden goblets. Since every guest here but me was a vampire, I knew the goblets were no doubt filled with blood. I watched more than one vampire reach for a drink, even as they hungrily eyed the maids—vampires that Irecognized.
It didn’t matter that they wore masks. The intimate moments I’d spent with them were etched into my brain. I would know them anywhere.
As I stood at the top of the grand staircase overlooking the room below, stuck between Mistress and her two daughters, an intricate grandfather clock tucked in the far corner caught my eye.
“Tick-tock, Adalyn,” Mistress murmured for my ears alone, noting where my attention had gone. “One hour until midnight.”
My throat closed.
Before I could start panicking, though, I finally spotted him. He was off to the side, speaking to the king and a few males I didn’t recognize. As my gaze landed on him, he abruptly stopped speaking to search the room. To search forme.
My heart beat wildly in my chest.
Cruel nails bit into my arm as Mistress leaned close to hiss in my ear, “Fulfill your promises, Adalyn. Do this one final job for me, and you will be free.”
The word had never felt so empty.
She released me when Everett’s gaze swung our way, climbing the stairs to rest on me. The moment our eyes met, the room and everyone in it disappeared. For a moment, a wondrous moment I never wanted to end, it was simply him and me. A vampire prince and the witch fated to be his mate.
I quickly took him in from head to toe, noticing the way his black three-piece suit fit him to perfection. As usual, his short black hair was neatly in place, his chiseled jaw and chin closely shaven. A black mask hid the rest of his features, but I already had them memorized. Already knew how devastatingly handsome he was. Howperfect.
Everything about him was perfect. Perfect forme.
I started to tremble again, feeling lightheaded.
I couldn’t do this, couldn’t do this, couldn’t do this.
He checked me over as well, his appreciation at what he found obvious. I could feel it. Feelhim. Even though my heart raced and my head pounded, his emotions came through loud and clear. They flooded the bond, filling me with relief and happiness.
He was happy. Happy toseeme.
My eyes started to burn.
Before I could do something terrible, like cry in front of a room full of bloodthirsty predators, he headed my way. The crowd parted at his approach, naturally deferring to his superiority and power. Without a word, he commanded their attention. Theirrespect. Even the Venturi under my control stepped aside, their eyes following him as he strode with purpose across the room.
The desperate need to run shivered through me, bothtohim and away. I was torn. Shredded into a million pieces.Frozen.
Faces from around the room started to turn our way, tracking his progress. I suddenly wanted to shout. Wanted to scream at Everett to run. To take his family and flee before the vipers in his house could strike. I glanced at the clock again.
Tick-tock. Tick-tock.
Time bore down on me, reminding me of the job I was destined to do. Less than an hour to go. Less than an hour until I betrayed the man who’d tried to save me. The man who’d somehow burrowed his way into my heart.
A heart made of twisted lies. Of wicked deceit.
“You’re my bright shining star, Ada darling. Whatever happens after tonight, don’t let anyone dull that light. Shine brightly for all to see.”
My father’s words chose that moment to cruelly taunt me. To remind me of how dark I’d allowed myself to become. I didn’t know how to shine anymore. The only thing the crowd would see tonight was a fallen blood whore named Star.
As Everett started to ascend the stairs toward me, that’sexactlywhat they saw. I could tell that several of my clients had spotted me. Spotted andrecognizedme. There was no hiding who I was to them.If my silver mask and hair didn’t give me away, then the blood bond we shared surely would.