Page 93 of Forever Touched

When my only response was to glare at her in open defiance, her eyes slowly turned red.

“Octavia!” she yelled, so loudly that I flinched. Her nails bit into my skin, anchoring me in place. “Bring me the mouse!”

My heart leapt into my throat. “Please, no. Don’t hurt her.Please, Mistress.”

“Thenpromiseme,” she barked, her eyes fully red now. “Better yet, swear on a new pactum that you’ll complete this task for me.”

Letting go of my chin, she willed her dagger-like claws to emerge and dragged one across her palm. As blood rose from the cut, true terror filled me.

“I can’t. Ican’t!” I wailed.

“Then I’ll kill your familiar!”

“No!” I cried, feeling my legs buckle beneath me.

She grabbed my arm to keep me upright, screaming,“Promise me, Adalyn!”

I heard the sound of feet rushing down the stairs. Heard Octavia excitedly say, “I’ve got it, Mother. I’ve got the disgusting mouse. Should I kill it?”

“Yes, Octavia.Killit.”

At her command, I broke.Shatteredinto a billion pieces.

Darkness crashed into me, dragging me down, down, down.

“O-okay,” I whispered.

No, Ada!Pepper shouted, but it was too late. My mind was made up.

“What?” Mistress demanded. “Speak up, Adalyn.”

“Okay. I’ll . . . I’ll swear on a pactum.”

Pepper continued to shout at me, but I was deaf to her pleas. Reaching down with trembling fingers, I drew my knife from its hiding place. Mistress’s eyes gleamed expectantly as I lifted it and slowly cut into my palm. The second the skin split, she whipped her hand forward and tightly clasped mine, sealing our blood together.

“Say the words, Adalyn. Say that you promise.”

My voice shook. My entirebodyshook as I forced myself to say, “I . . . I promise to complete this task for you.”

“And?” she urged, the gleam turning wicked.

“And should I intentionally break that promise, may I die a slow, painful death.”

The words sank deeply into my blackened soul, condemning me to the darkest pit of hell.

Oh, Adalyn. What have you done?Pepper mournfully whispered.

Victory flared in Mistress’s blood-red eyes. Releasing me, she stepped back with a faint smirk. “Now, was that so hard? Honestly, Adalyn. You can be so dramatic sometimes. Be sure to wash your hands and knife before we leave. The prince must not know about the new deal we’ve struck.”

Feeling numb all over, I looked down at my hand and watched the cut slowly seal shut from Mistress’s blood.

“Hurry up now,” she cheerily said and swept toward the stairs. “We don’t want to be late for the ball. And make sure to leave that vermin here where Adalyn can find it, Octavia. She can collect her things and be on her way once the job is done.”



It was just like in my dreams.