“By us and we, you mean the society, right?” A single tear falls to my cheek as shame burns in my chest.

I’m a monster.

“Yes.” He swipes the tear away with his thumb then rests his hand on my cheek. “I know you’re probably a little unsure of this society thing, but I promise that everything in it is working hard to protect you.”

“Even my fake parents?” Another tear escapes my eye and another. Freakin’ bawling baby witches, when did I become such a cry baby? I need to woman up!

He nods with remorse in his eyes. “I know you think everything was fake, but the people who are looking out for you care for you.”

“Then why aren’t my fake parents here?” I question, fearing the answer. “If they really care about me, why aren’t they here?”

His lips part, but no words come out. Sealing his lips together, he studies me intently, and then says, “I’m here.”

“I know.” I have to wonder why. Is it solely because of his job? Or is he here as my friend, too? I could ask him. Then again, I fear the truth. Instead, I ask, “Am I ever going to meet other people in the society?” Another thought clicks. “Is Peyton a part of it, too? I doubt it, because she’s a vampire, but she’s also my roommate, and so far, those are two for two.”

“Peyton’s not a part of it.” He gives a reluctant pause. “Eventually, you’ll meet the rest of the society. Some of the members you’ve already met, but there are some you haven’t.”

I eye him over carefully. “Why do you sound unhappy about me meeting them?”

He gives a dismissive shrug, his jaw set tight. “I… I’m not.”

“You are.” I wait for him to tell me what in the wiggling monkeys has got him so squirmy, but all he does is push to his feet.

“I’m going to let you shower and get changed into your pajamas. I need to go talk to Opal for a minute.”

I watch him cross my room, my heart aching in my chest. I may not know the real Hunter, but I can tell he’s keeping something from me.

Before he steps out of my room, he casts a glance over his shoulder. “I know you don’t want to talk about what the demon told you, but you really need to tell me soon, okay? If you don’t …” He wavers, worry flickering in his eyes. “Well, someone else from the society is going to get the truth out of you.” He quickly exits the room without so much as a backward glance.

Puzzlement swirls in my mind, thick and potent and laced with fear. Fear over telling the truth and fear because … Well, because when Hunter said someone else from the society would get the truth out of me, it sounded like a warning.


After I’ve showered and changed into a pair of pajamas, I head back to my room. I don’t know why, but I expect Hunter to be there waiting for me. He’s not.

I consider hopping into bed, because holy sleepy spells I’m exhausted. However, curiosity gets the best of me, and I decide to try to do a little bit of eavesdropping.

Tiptoeing out of my room, I pad down the hallway and toward the top of the stairs. As I pass by Opal’s room, I hear murmuring coming from the other side, so I stop and press my ear to the door.

“Hunter, I seriously have no idea what the hell is going on in your head,” Opal hisses with frustration. “Kissing her like that—that’s completely against the rules.”

“I know what the rules are,” Hunter bites back. “I don’t need you to remind me.”

“Obviously, you do,” Opal says. “Since you kissed her twice that I know of. God knows how many other times you’ve done it.” When Hunter says nothing, she lets out a sequence of curses, sounding very un-Opal-like. “You’re going to get in so much trouble.”

“No, I’m not,” he states. “Because you’re not going to tell anyone.”

“Please don’t put me in that position.”

“If you care for Eva and me at all, you won’t say anything.”

Silence lingers in the air.

“Why is this so important to you?” Opal finally asks. “Do you really care about her? Or is this just another one of your flings where you’ll use her then dump her? It’s not worth getting into trouble over if it is. And I don’t want you messing with Eva’s heart like that. She’s too sweet.”

More silence.

“It’s not like?—”