He swiftly shakes his head, wisps of his blond hair falling into his eyes. “Just until we can find another place for you to stay—a safe place.”

“You mean, I have to leave Mystic Willow Bay?” I want to add,leave my family, but I guess I don’t really have one.

I wonder if my fake parents know I know. I wonder if they care that I’m hurting. I wonder if they were upset when—and if—they heard I’d been taken by a demon.

“Don’t worry; I’ll go with you,” he promises, skimming my cheekbone with his finger.

As lovely as the gesture is, I have to wonder … “Why? We’re not really friends. Is it because of your job?”

“We are really friends,” he insists. “I already told you that was real.”

“Are we really friends, though?” I wonder. “I don’t really know you, and I think friends are supposed to know each other a little bit.”

“I already told you that you know me better than anyone.”

“But after you said that no one really knows the real you.”

“Eva …”

“Hunter …” I mimic his tone.

He sighs, and so do I, mostly to annoy him.

He shakes his head, but he’s on the verge of smiling. “You drive me so crazy sometimes.”

“Right back at you.”

He grins. “No matter what you say, we are friends, Evalee. We click way too well.”

I snort a laugh. “Click Ha! Yeah, right. We’re complete opposites.”

“And that’s why we’re so perfect for each other.” A lopsided smile lifts his lips. “No one can keep up with my banter like you can.”

I wish I could agree with him, and maybe a few days ago, I would have. Now I’m not even sure I know him at all. Besides, would he still say that if he knew what I was?

“What can I do?” he asks, searching my eyes for something.

“What do you mean?” I wonder, feeling so lost.

He gently sweeps a strand of hair behind my ear. “To help you feel better.”

I sigh heavily. “I’m not sure there’s anything you can do.”

“Of course there is.” Determination burns in his eyes. “I always used to be able to cheer you up whenever you were sad.”

“I know.” And I’m being truthful. Hunter was always good at cheering me up. “But I’m not sure I can be cheered up right now. After everything …” I suck in a tremulous breath, fighting back the tears. “Between Ryleigh being … gone, and the whole thing with the demon kidnapping me and telling me what he thinks I am …” I give a dreary half-shrug. “I don’t think I’m going to be able to cheer up soon. Sorry.”

“You don’t need to be sorry.” He rubs his lips together as he seems to decide on something. “He told you what you are?”

I nod, looking away from him. “He did.”

Silence drags between us.

“Can you …?” He struggles for words. “Do you want to talk about it?”

I shake my head, tears bubbling in my eyes.

He hesitates. “I don’t want to force you to do anything, especially right now, but if we knew what you are, it could help us figure out why the demons are after you.”