Page 94 of It's Always Us

My shoulders slump, feeling like I’ve already lost. “That garage is her dream. Taking it over and restoring cars is all she wants to do. She trusts the guys she works with, and they know how good she is.” My teeth grind together at the vision of Slade’s big arms around her. “How can I ask her to give that up to follow me? We saw how people treated her in highschool, and you and I both know the world hasn’t changed that much. I couldn’t stand it.”

When Sean doesn’t say anything, I decide I might as well be out with the rest. “She’s scared. She’s never been outside of that town and away from the people who see her as equal. I’m scared I’m not enough to take her away from all of that. I sure as hell wasn’t enough back then, and now . . . ”

I meet Sean’s sympathetic eyes, feeling my own begin to sting. “What if this is it? What if I’m done?” I swallow the burn in my throat. “What if I have to go back and live there haunted by flashbacks and memories I left locked up in that town?” There, I said it. “I feel like a giant, selfish asshole, given all I’ve been able to do.”

I put my head in my hands, trying to release the pressure in my chest that’s only continued to build since leaving that meeting. “Sean, I have two babies counting on me. I can’t screw this up.”

He remains silent, sorting through all I just tossed out and then drops onto the bench beside me, his arms on his legs. “You won’t screw this up. You’re already putting them first. That’s what you did walking away from that deal.”

He bumps my shoulder. “You need to chill out. Do what Rob said. Get that pretty ass face in front of the cameras this weekend and win votes. He’ll find you something. Probably something amazing. In the meantime, you need to work on getting your girl. Show her she can do what she loves wherever you are.”

It’s the same damn thing Cal said. I run a hand over my face. “How in the hell do I do that?”

He shrugs, which is incredibly helpful. “I don’t know, but you’re smarter than you’ve ever let people see, and you know Lex.”

“Wow, jackass. Do you want to be paid for that advice?”

He laughs and steps toward the door. “You love her. You’ll figure it out. You don’t have a choice, and we don’t let anyone back us into a corner.”

He’s right about that. He stops at the door of his truck. “Quit pushing it. Give me the game and some time with Andie and Ax, and then I’ll work your ass to the ground. We’ll get you there, maybe even on the field with me, but not if you mess up what they fixed.”

He climbs in his truck and disappears.

“Dammit.” I toss my water bottle in the trash. He’s right.

I grab my phone and head into the house. I can’t control anything. I can’t pull a team out of thin air, and no offer will come if I can’t pass a physical or my arm is jacked up.

I lean over the counter, pushing out a long breath. One thing at a time. First, I need to get Lex through next weekend and the media storm that will follow. Then, somehow, I’m going to show her we can live these dreams together. Or . . . I’ll walk away from the one thing I’ve survived on so I can be with the only ones I can’t live without.

Chapter 28


“She won’t start?” Carson rubs his forehead. “I replaced the timing belt, but the damn thing won’t fire.”

“Did you check the sprocket alignment before you put the cover on?” I try to lean over to get a closer look.

“This piece of shit,” Carson says, tossing his wrench down. “I thought I had them aligned.”

I lean over the fender, squishing my babies, and as much as I hate it, I know my hands-on days are over for now. My back hurts, I drink enough water to hydrate a city, and peeing is becoming a constant interruption to every task.

“Let’s remove the inspection plate.” I hold out my hand, and Carson hands me a screwdriver. I bump the starter until I see the sprocket alignment marks. “The lines have to match up exactly. They’re off a tooth.” I straighten, arching my back. “You have to take it apart. Get them lined up, and I bet she starts.”

Carson curses under his breath but removes the timing cover.

The metal door squeaks and slams as Krissy enters.

When I called and asked her to go shopping with me, I broke the extra wide news. We haven’t seen each other, and she definitely hasn’t seen my double-size belly uncovered in all its growing glory. I’m convinced it’s expanding by the minute.

Her eyes widen to the size of rims, and then her glossy lips turn up into a show-stopping smile. “I still can’t believe I was right.”

“Right about what?” Slade returns with a new filter in his hand.

“I was right about this one being pregnant, but can you even believe it’s twins?” She rubs her hands together. “I’m throwing you the most badass baby shower you’ve ever seen.” Her mouth drops open. “We’ve got to have it here. I’ll talk to Cal.”

“Need some help with that,” Trig winks at her.

Slade growls. “She doesn’t need your help with anything.”