“I didn’t know you were still in touch with him,” she says, continuing to avoid eye contact.
“I hadn’t been, but then . . . ” I stop, realizing I don’t need to explain this to her. “It’s been eight years, and I was done trying not to love him anymore. We’re going to be together. Always.”
Saying the words gives me confidence I didn’t know I had. “I’m going to tell him. I wanted you to know.”
She grips a towel tight in her hands. “Telling him won’t do anyone any good.”
I shrug. “Maybe not, but I won’t lie to him. I’ve hurt him enough and won’t do it again. Ever.”
“You haven’t lied to him.” She fidgets with her watch. “I don’t want him . . . I don’t want him involved. I can’t—”
“I did what I did for Bree and Mark.” I pause, needing her to hear me. “Youneed to make sure that this doesn’t . . . change things.”
She still won’t look at me, and a low boil simmers in my belly. “Linda,” I say, waiting for her to pick her head up and meet my eyes. “You need to focus on Bree. This is about her.” Like I’ve shocked her back to life, her eyes clear, and she nods. “I’m leaving town for a bit, but Grandpa will be checking in, and if you need help with Bree, he’d love to have her.”
She doesn’t move.
“Ok,” I say, pushing away from the counter. “I’m going to hug Bree again and then head out. Please take care of her.”
“Alex.” She stops me, swiping at an eye filled with fear.
I nod. “Just . . . take good care of Bree. That’s what matters.”
I tell Bree goodbye, hugging her tight but not lingering, ready to go home.
I climb into my truck and turn the ignition, taking a deep breath as my gut sinks. I need to hear Mark’s voice and be reminded that things are different now. I grab my phone and tap his name.
“Hey, baby. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.” His voice is low, and he sounds tired.
“Me, too.” My throat swells, and it’s all I can manage.
Mark is going to get all of me, which means telling him exactly what happened eight years ago. It won’t be this weekend when he’s celebrating with his friends and family, but I will tell him.
I glance back at the small apartment, worrying for the joyous little girl with too much good and innocence inside to have darkness enter her world.
“You ok?” Mark’s concerned tone has me getting it together.
“Are you having second thoughts about coming with me this weekend?”
I bite my lip. “No, I just . . . miss you.”
“Just a few more hours.”
Just a few more hours, and then I’ll step foot into a whole new world, suddenly on display, but I’ll be with Mark. It’s what I’ve been waiting for, and it’s time to find out what life is actually like together.
Chapter 29
“Where are we going?”
Mark’s arms slide around me from behind. “One of my major sponsors is throwing a party. That’s tonight, and then the awards are tomorrow. There’s a huge expo, but I’m thinking we take advantage of our time alone.” His lips find the sensitive, ticklish spot right behind my ear. “Shane, Maggie, and the kids are coming in tomorrow, and we’ll catch up with them at the game. Andie’s with Sean, but she’ll be there.”
He pushes my hair away, trailing kisses down my neck.
I can definitely get on board with this part of the plan, especially when my nerves are about to sprout nerves.