It occurred to Kim that it had gone pretty quiet downstairs when Liam finally collapsed on top of her, panting as though he’d never find his breath again.
Chapter Thirteen
So this was happiness.
Big-smile-on-his-face, heart-swelling happiness.
Liam rolled over on the rug again, gathering Kim on top of him. Kim kissed him, her lips soft and warm. Liam had never known such happiness was possible. This was his lady, his mate, the female he’d protect with his life.
Way down at the bottom of his mind lay fear—he’d seen what had happened to his father and then his brother when they’d lost their mates. Dylan had gone off on his own for a year. Kenny had folded up into himself, not speaking to or looking at anyone for weeks.
Liam understood their pain now. He’d hurt like hell if he lost Kim. And he’d only known her since yesterday. Right now their happiness was fresh, fragile. Imagine the hurt after years of being together, of learning each other, body and mind. To lose that…
Liam held her close. She was lush and curvaceous, her sweet br**sts pressing his chest. Any man who’d told her she wasn’t perfect as she was deserved to be shredded.
Kim looked down at him with a smile. “That was…Wow.”
“Wow? This is the articulate lawyer talking?”
“Wow about sums it up.”
He stroked Kim’s hair and kissed her lips. “I’m catching on to this kissing.”
“I think you need more practice.”
“You keep on teaching me, love.”
Kim licked his mouth. When she did it again, he caught her tongue with his. He pulled her down for the kiss, lacing his fingers through her hair. He could enjoy these lessons, even when their mouths were raw from lovemaking. He’d make sure he kissed her—real kisses—for the rest of his life.
Something burbled on the other side of the room.
“Oh, hell.” Kim jerked up.
Liam let her go with reluctance. His reward was watching her crawl to her pants, her backside enticing him as she went. Kim yanked her cell phone out of her pocket and sat up, and now he got to watch her firm, creamy br**sts tipped with dark ni**les. Liam propped himself on his elbow and enjoyed himself.
“Yeah?” she said into the phone.
A man answered, loud enough for Liam to hear him across the room. “Hi, honey. How are you?”
Kim squeezed her eyes shut. “Abel.”
“Did you want something?” he asked.
Her eyes popped open again. “What are you talking about? You called me.”
The voice changed to one of tired patience. “Last night, when you called, you sounded like you wanted something. What was it?”
“It’s not important now.”
“Well, I’m going to be tied up all day, all this week, actually, but maybe next Friday I can come over.”
Maybe? With this woman waiting for him? The man was a thrice-damned idiot.
“Abel.” Kim gazed into the distance, folding her legs under her. “I won’t be free Friday. In fact…Abel, we need to break up.”
“Fine.” The line hummed quietly while her words processed. “What did you say?”
“I said I’m breaking up with you.”
“Why?” Abel sounded baffled. Not hurt, not angry, just puzzled.
Kim made an impatient noise. “If you have to ask why, then that’s why.”
“Kim, honey, you’re not making sense.”
“Don’t Kim, honey me. I met someone. I didn’t mean to, but it happened. You and I weren’t going anywhere, so I figured, what the hell?”
“Oh.” Again, puzzlement instead of anger. “Is it someone in the firm?”
“No. Like I said, someone I just met.”
“Right. Well. I guess I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
Abel clicked off. Kim sat staring, every muscle tense, and then she flung the phone across the room. It landed on the tiles and spun until it hit the big bathtub.
“Two years of my life I wasted on him, and all he can say is ‘See you around’?”
Liam rolled over and braced himself on both elbows. “He sounds a bit of a fool.”
“More than a bit.” Kim pressed her hand to her forehead. “Do you know why I went out with him? I just now realized it. Because he would go out with me. No other reason. No compatibility. Convenience, for both of us. I’m pathetic.”
Liam held out his hand. “You weren’t pathetic, love. Lonely. There’s a difference.” He wriggled his fingers. “Come here.”
Kim walked to him, no more crawling, until she stood over him. This was the best view of all. Liam roamed his gaze up her tight, petite legs to the slick tuft of hair between them, over her cute navel, her round br**sts and bare neck, ending at her beautiful face.
“You’re mated now,” he said, as Kim knelt on the floor next to him. “You’ve no more need to be lonely. You have me.”
“You and your ego.”
“You make me laugh, love. You have me and my father and Sean and Connor. Ellison and Glory. All the Shifters.”
“Even Fergus?”
Liam grimaced. “Him too. He’s bent out of shape about Brian, and I don’t know why, but usually he’s a fair leader. Mostly.”
“Fair? He tried to whip Connor for talking back to him!”
“I know, and it might be hard to understand, but Connor did wrong. He’s a cub. He doesn’t have a place yet, and attacking the clan leader needs punishment. Connor knew that. Any other time, he might have been let off with a warning, but in the middle of a moot, when our family was already in disgrace—Fergus couldn’t let it go.”