The thought tapped on her brain that even with the Collar, Liam was three times as strong as any man she’d ever been with. He could toss Abel across a room without working up a sweat. He could rip away her clothes in a heartbeat.

As though he read her thoughts, Liam hooked his fingers around the elastic of the thong and twisted it until it broke. His fingers found the moisture between her thighs, and she gasped, arching into his hand.

Liam eased back from the long kiss, both of them breathing faster. He softened his grip on her neck, caressing a little as though in apology.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” His eyes were still the cat’s, narrow, slitted, light blue.

“I’m pretty tough.”

“You’re such a little bit of a thing.” Liam’s voice went soft with wonder. “You’re so small, so fragile.” The caresses on her neck changed to a light touch. “Goddess, what if I hurt you?”

Kim smiled a hot smile. “I’ve never heard a guy call me ‘a little bit of a thing.’ Usually it’s, ‘Are you sure you want to eat that, Kim? You know you’re watching your weight.’ ”

“Screw them.”

Kim touched her forehead to Liam’s, looking into his scary eyes without flinching. “I’d rather screw you.”

Another growl came from his throat. “I don’t know if I can hold back. I’ve never done this before.”

“A virgin Shifter? What do you know?”

“I meant not with a human woman.” Liam furrowed her hair with strong fingers. “Especially one so soft.”

Kim wriggled against his body. “We have to do this,” she said. “I predict that we’ll implode if we don’t.”

Another cheer erupted from downstairs, followed by prolonged shouting. Kim had to wonder which room was more charged, her living room or this one.

Liam’s growl changed to an animalistic snarl, and he pulled Kim down with him to the bathroom floor. She found herself on top of him, straddling him, her fluffy white rug cushioning her knees.

Liam held her hips. “Do this, Kim. I don’t trust myself.”

Kim hardly trusted herself. She leaned forward and kissed his lips, at the same time shifting her hips so that his tip rested against her opening. “You’re a hell of a man, Liam Morrissey. I only met you yesterday, and today you’re sexing me on my bathroom rug.”

Liam didn’t answer, his face tight. Kim leaned forward a little more, then slid back onto him.

Oh, dear God in heaven. She closed her eyes, her head going back as a groan left her mouth. Liam was big, but she was so wet that she slid smoothly onto him, her body happy to accommodate him. But the feeling…She groaned again, she who never made noise when she had sex. She prided herself on being discreet, even delicate. She realized now she’d never wanted to make noise, never had reason to.

Liam’s hard face softened, his eyes changing back to the deep blue she’d already come to love. He made a raw noise as his warm hands moved to her br**sts, rough fingertips catching on her ni**les.

“I never knew humans could be so beautiful,” he said.

Kim smiled, her heart warming as it beat faster. He was the beautiful one. And skilled. She’d teased him about being a “virgin,” but Liam obviously knew exactly what he was doing.

Kim felt the loops of her white rug on her knees, the fiery heat where they joined, Liam’s soothing hands. He smelled of sweat and sex and himself. His chest shone with perspiration, the black curls damp across hard pectorals. His jaw was dark with unshaved whiskers, which glistened as he rocked his head back, eyes closing in ecstasy.

Kim leaned down and kissed him, tasting male musk and the cold soft drink he’d drunk in the car. He slid his hands to her waist, letting his hips rise and rise again, pressing himself ever deeper inside her. Kim’s head lolled back, and she let sound come out unchecked, drowned out by the television and shouting downstairs.

Liam half sat up, helping her ride him. Their lips met, parted. His eyes remained dark blue, although once or twice they flickered to the cat’s until he forced them dark again. He was holding back with effort, Kim sensed through her haze of pleasure. She wondered what Liam not holding back would be like. Delightful thought.

Sweat trickled down her skin. Liam gripped her waist and rose into her with strong thrusts, sending rivers of pleasure through her body.


Liam growled. His eyes moved to white, then snapped back to human blue. He pulled her down to kiss him. Their mouths locked together, and he rolled with her, putting her on her back on the sweat-soaked rug.

Could anything be better than this? Lying naked on the bathroom floor with a gorgeous, hard-bodied Shifter on top of her?

Kim lifted her hips to meet his thrusts. They were both panting, both groaning, Liam’s face flushed, eyes half closed. The muscles in his arms and shoulders played as he made love to her, and the mirror across the room showed his fine bu**ocks tightening.

Kim’s orgasm, when it came, was nothing like she’d ever experienced. The world went away except for the incredible feeling that pierced her where they joined. Nothing mattered, nothing existed, only the two of them, their sweating bodies sealed together and the madness ripping through them.

Kim’s throat ached, but Liam was quiet as he thrust the final few times.

“Feel my seed, Kim,” he whispered. “Take it, love.”

Liquid scalded into her, the se**n of a Shifter. Liam’s mouth covered hers as his hips worked.