I catch sight of Vander again as we reenter the courtroom. Soon, I see him sitting in his typical chair with the onlookers.

The judge reads aloud our verdict, guilty on all counts of tax fraud. There’s a buzz of excitement from the crowd in the room. The defendant hangs his head and then confers furiously with his lawyers.

And now we’re done.

The trial has ended.

The defendant, his lawyers and his famous wife exit in a huff of derision. I learn he pauses for a performative press conference at the courthouse steps and then gets in his fancy car and leaves.

Sentencing will happen two months from now and has nothing to do with us.

We’re free.

The good news is that the gag order is still in effect throughout the sentencing phase and the appeal, possiblyindefinitely. This will continue to keep me safe as hopefully, people across the country and on the news, forget all about me now that my fifteen minutes of fame is over.

I can return to life as normal.

The jurors hug and shake hands because we’ve all grown close over the last month of shared experiences. I suspect there will be planned get togethers in the future.

Vander marches toward me, almost a head taller than anyone else in the hallway. People squeak and step aside, trying to get out of his way.

“If he doesn’t want you now that this is over, he can have me,” Alisha sighs.

I throw her a dark frown.

She puts up both hands. “Just kidding. Well, only partially kidding…”

I roll my eyes and keep walking and in moments my alien bodyguard is beside me.

“The trial is over and this assignment has ended?” he demands.

“Yes.” I bite at my lip because now I wonder if this is when he leaves. We might very well return to the apartment only for him to pack up and go back to the city that headquarters his security team. What if I never see him again?

The back of my eyes grow warm.

Vander looks at the crowd of journalists gathered at the end of the hall. They all obediently stand on the perimeter line he’s created and remain quiet. He takes my hand. “Come with me.”

We walk together and he pauses in front of the excited group and makes a formal announcement. “The trial is over and Katie Ross is no longer my client. I now protect her because she is my mate.”

“Your mate?”

“Does this mean that the two of you are getting married?”

“Yes,” I question. “What does that mean, Vander? Are we getting married or are you leaving for forever, to return to your work?”

He gets down on one knee.

I gasp with surprise. “What are you doing?”

“I’ve learned this is the appropriate human custom.” He opens a small black box and exposes a gorgeous diamond ring, ten times better than the first one I was offered. “Katie Ross, will you do me the honor of becoming my life mate? The mother of my offspring and the female I will love as my own heart?”

“Yes,” I sniffle. “Yes, I would love to marry you, Vander Best.”

And then he slips the ring onto my finger. It fits perfectly and I’m dazzled by the flash.

He stands and takes me into his massive blue arms and kisses me right there, in the hallway, in front of everyone. And it’s not a peck, but a full-on wet kiss with tongue and everything. I’m doing my best to not faint in front of everyone.

“Lucky bitch,” Alisha loudly grouses.