“That makes more sense,” Heather said. “It’s like a connection but not really.”
“I felt that way afterward. He got it. He joked about having baggage being divorced and I was like...really? More than escaping a cult? He laughed then.”
“Sounds to me like you two might be a good match. I’m so happy for you,” Heather said, grabbing her hands and doing a little jump up and down.
She joined in and was giggling again.
“I feel like an idiot right now but at the same time happier than I’ve ever been.”
“If anyone deserves it, it’s you,” Heather said.
“Thank you. I mean it.”
Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she expected that it was Colleen telling her her first client was here. Colleen hadn’t worked in a week as she’d been on vacation with her parents. She was a college student who normally worked nights or weekends but over the summer put more time in.
What shocked her was that the text came from Dane saying what a great time he had last night.
She debated texting him after he’d left last night and didn’t want to come off as clingy. He had to get his kids after work today and would have them all weekend. She didn’texpect they’d communicate much and wasn’t going to worry.
He was on call this week too starting on Saturday.
“I can tell by the look on your face it’s the man we are talking about.”
“It is,” she said. “I didn’t expect to hear from him today.”
“Even better,” Heather said, then looked at her own phone. “Time to get to work.”
“Me too,” she said when the text came in that her client was here too.
Before she went to get her client she snuck into her office and replied to Dane. He asked if she was able to talk.
She hesitated and said for a few minutes.
Her phone rang in her hand. “Morning,” he said.
“Same to you,” she said. “You’re not with a patient?”
“I will be in a few,” he said. “We had a meeting first and I thought I’d take a risk and see if you started your day.”
“Just about to,” she said. “I had a great time too.”
“Is it crazy to admit that I was going to text you last night but decided not to?”
“Not as crazy as me thinking the same thing.”
He laughed and the sound vibrated through her body. This was getting nuts.
Maybe missing all of this as a teen was catching up to her as an adult.
Was this what a crush felt like?
“Though I’m on call next week, starting Tuesday night I won’t have the kids for four days.”
“I’ll look at my schedule and see what I’ve got planned and when. Maybe I’ve got a gap somewhere to at least get dinner.”
“I’ll take whatever I can get and if it doesn’t work thenwe’ll try for another week. Just know that I could have to cancel last minute if called in.”
“Not a worry,” she said. “It’s going to work or it won’t. We’ll play it as it comes.”