Page 52 of Fierce-Dane

Which, as Heather had reminded her, wasn’t how she lived her life.

It was scary as all hell to be saying that to a man, but she knew that if anyone understood that, it’d be Dane.

“I seem to be doing that more in my life than ever before. For once it’s working.”

“Glad to hear that,” she said.

And she was hoping it’d continue.

“I should go,” he said. “I like to try to start on time because I’m almost always behind. Some parents need to tell me every little thing their child is doing.”

She laughed. “I could see where that is nice and annoying at the same time.”

“It’s both. Some things I should know they might not think to tell me, the other times I don’t need to hear that little Bobby picks his nose and eats it.”

She burst out laughing. “Doesn’t every kid do that?”

“Every person on the face of this earth has picked their nose even if they say they haven’t. And I’ll leave it at that.”

She was still laughing when she hung up.

She’d never thought a man could brighten her day, but it seemed there were a lot of things she didn’t think could happen that were.



“Aunt Chloe,” Tyler yelled as he raced over to hug Dane’s sister on Sunday.

It was a last minute invitation. One that he’d hinted at a few days ago because he wanted to talk to his sister about Sloane.

He’d never felt that way before, but there was part of him that felt like that crush came true and he needed to share.

Sad that it didn’t feel as if he had any male friends he could do that with.

Most of his friends were couples with Mel and him. Or friends from his residency and they’d moved on while he stayed at Duke once he was hired.

“How are you doing, Tyler?” Chloe asked. “I’m so glad you guys could come visit. I haven’t seen you since your Dad’s birthday. That isn’t right.”

He hadn’t realized it’d been almost two months since his sister saw his kids. She used to have them a lot more when she was helping him out, but she was married with a kid of her own now.

And what a two months it’d been. A lot could change.

“Dad said we could swim,” Tyler said. “I want to swim.”

Chloe laughed. “I wasn’t sure I wanted the pool,” she said. “But I’ve been using it a lot and Willow loves it. She’s napping right now, but if you guys want to put your suits on, you can go play in the kiddie section until an adult gets in.”

Both kids ran past his sister into the house with their bags to change into their suits.

“Thanks for the invite. The kids are excited. We didn’t have a lot planned because of my being on call.”

“It’s fine,” Chloe said. “You can come over anytime. There is no reason to wait for an invitation. I’m surprised Mom and Dad didn’t want to join you.”

“I think Mom did, but she knows how much I hate spending the night there when I’m on call and gives me the freedom to just do my own thing during the days.”

“I’m sure it’s hard.”

“Where is Royce?”