“Ahhh,” Carolyn said. “So maybe I did play a part in it. Just a little?”
Carolyn had moved one arm up and held her thumb and finger together.
“We’ll let you think that too,” she said, smirking.
“I’m excited to hear about it,” Carolyn said. “How long has it been going on? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“I don’t mind,” she said. “My coworkers know too. At thispoint a little over a month since our first date. Two months since I first met him, but that doesn’t count. All I did was give him a massage and we chatted.”
“He’s a great guy.”
“And he told his sister to tell you and Diane he’s off the market,” she said.
“How did you find out?” Carolyn asked. Her voice almost seemed sad and then she perked up. “Did Dane tell you?”
“No,” she said. “Chloe was here last week. She told me. She filled me in on things, but Dane is fully aware of that conversation. Just like I might have to say I spoke to you today.”
“You better,” Carolyn said. “Let him know I’m so proud of the fact he asked you out.”
Guess Carolyn knew quite a bit more than them just dating, but she wouldn’t add anything.
She was onto these ladies. They were going to try to get information out of her.
She might confirm or deny something, but she wasn’t volunteering.
“I’ll pass it on,” she said.
There was some silence there while she got to work. She knew Carolyn was planning her next line of attack and she’d let her client go at it.
“Do you think you’ll meet Tiffani and Tyler soon?” Carolyn asked.
“That would be up to Dane,” she said. “The timing of it. We know I’m the first woman he’s dated since his divorce, so he gets to call those shots.”
“I don’t think he got to call too many of them before,” Carolyn said drily.
“I wouldn’t know that,” she said. Though she agreed from what she’d heard between Dane and Chloe.
“I’m sure you know enough,” Carolyn said.
She only smiled, knowing Carolyn couldn’t see her.
“How is your grandson doing now?” she asked after a minute of silence. Might as well throw Carolyn off track.
“Which one? I’ve got so many.”
“The one you brought to Dane for an ear infection,” she said.
“Oh, Nate. He’s fine. He rebounded quickly like all my grandkids do. They don’t mind going to the doctor when so many kids hate it.”
“I’m sure it’s easier having so many medical professionals in the family,” she said.
“Just Wyatt of my kids, but he’s such a jokester of the family that the kids don’t think of doctors as scary. Then there is Sam, my nephew. The kids all love him too. My boys and Diane’s, they are all big kids themselves.”
“Jade was all alone,” she said. She’d heard this before.
“She was. And now she has a boy and a girl of her own. There are still more grandsons than granddaughters, but at least they aren’t lonely.”
“And how many do you have now?” she asked.