Page 63 of Fierce-Dane

Another connection to Dane. It felt like in the past few days she was getting hit with everyone outside of their relationship wanting to know what was going on.

Well, maybe noteveryonewas the case, but it felt like it.

Her staff were asking questions and all picking on her knowing that Dane had another appointment scheduled next week. Many were making sure they were here to meet him.

She’d talked to Chloe last week about Dane.

Dane hadn’t talked to his ex about her, but he had brought up that he was upset about his kids meeting Ethan before he was told it was happening.

She didn’t get the feeling he was jealous as much as he hoped to avoid the confusion that the kids were going through.

She knew at some point, he’d want her to meet his kids, but she wasn’t going to push it.

One part of her wasn’t sure she was ready for it and the other she felt Dane wasn’t.

They’d get there on their own and that was how it was going to have to be.

“What are we working on with you today?” she asked. “Anything special?”

“Just an overall body massage is great,” Carolyn said. “Retirement is a wonderful thing and the most stressful part of my days are what I’m cooking for dinner.”

She grinned. “I look forward to that at some point in the far, far future.”

“You’re young yet,” Carolyn said. “You need to live some more. Get yourself a nice partner and maybe some kids if you want them. I know not many do.”

She lifted her eyebrow at Carolyn. Maybe Carolyn wasn’t aware that Sloane knew the Fierces knew she was dating Dane.

This could be one of those matchmaking things they were feeling out.

She’d let it play out a little.

“I would like kids one day,” she said. “Not today, but I’m open to anything. Why don’t you change and get under the covers on your stomach and we’ll start with your back.”

She shut the door quietly and went to wait in the hall.

After a few minutes, she knocked on the door and opened it after Carolyn told her to come in.

“I’ve been looking forward to this for weeks. I guess the summer got away from me and I haven’t had one in a while. I didn’t want you to think I wasn’t coming around anymore for anything other than a pedicure.”

“I’d never think that,” she said. “I know everyone is busy. I appreciate all the business you’ve sent my way, but life gets in the way too.”

“It does,” Carolyn said. “I had to bring my grandson to the doctor a few weeks ago. Poor kid had a double ear infection and my son and his wife were both in surgery. You know Wyatt is a doctor and Adriana an OR nurse.”

“I do know that,” she said.

“The daycare called me when neither of their parents could be reached. It allowed me to visit with Dane. That’s the pediatrician I told you about before.”

Sloane had oil on her hands and started to smooth them over Carolyn’s back and grinned but knew her client couldn’t see it.

“Do we want to play this game and see how long it takes for one of us to crack? I do enjoy it. But I bet you’re a worthy foe.”

Carolyn started to laugh. “I do like you a lot, Sloane. That is why I knew you’d be a good match for Dane. I’m right, aren’t I?”

“I think he’s a great guy though I hope you aren’t thinking of taking credit for this.”

“No,” Carolyn said. “Though I’d like to. I hear Dane’s daughter thought this would be a great gift for him months ago and fate put him in your hands. Literally.”

“You could think of it that way,” she said. “About fate. I’m not sure I believe in that. But I will admit that once he started talking I realized who he was.”