“Water is fine,” he said and reached his hand out when she brought the two bottles over.
She finally sat and opened her small turkey and pulled it out. It was loaded with more vegetables than anything else. She might as well be eating a salad with a side of bread.
She took a massive bite and almost groaned over it.
“Are you alright over there?” he asked.
She put her hand in front of her mouth as she chewed. “Yes. I can’t believe how good something fast like this tastes when you’re that hungry.”
He laughed. “I’m used to eating like this. Sometimes in my car.”
“Did you take the time to clean your car before you picked me up? It’s not dirty.”
“I did,” he said. “More like at the end of each day I just grab everything that is in the front seat and put it in the trash in the lobby bin when I go into my apartment building.”
She snickered. “I guess that is one way to do it.”
“Yep,” he said. “No reason to carry it up to my apartment and through the stairwell or elevator. I do the same at work. If I ate in my car, I grab what I can when I leave.”
One less thing for his mother or sister to bust his balls on.
“I guess I do the same, but I don’t eat in my car. No reason to.”
“I don’t recommend it. But it’s part of the job.”
“Along with a ton of takeout?” she asked.
“With the way you’re eating that sub, I’m going to say that either you have a fondness for takeout and rarely splurge or you lied when you said you ate breakfast this morning.”
She was all but inhaling it. Half his large was the same size as her small and she was ahead of him.
“I might like takeout but don’t eat it much. I tend to cook and bring leftovers.”
At least she wasn’t lecturing that it was cleaner for his soul or some other shit that one woman he had dated had said.
He had more than enough energy and stamina that he didn’t need to drink some green juice after Stacey shoved leaves of things in a blender.
The smell alone had him gagging and there was no way he was tasting it.
That had been the end of their weeklong marathon in bed and he never looked back. Stacey probably didn’t either.
“If you ever have extras,” he said, “you know, you can send them next door.”
And the minute it was out of his mouth he decided that was a mistake. Then both of their employees would know and he wasn’t sure he was ready for Betsy to have that knowledge.
“Only if it’s the end of the day and we are there alone,” she said once she swallowed. She grabbed her water and took a chug.
“Because you want to keep this quiet for now?” he asked.
“Yep,” she said. She took another bite and chewed, then swallowed while he ate some of his.
Once she was done with her sandwich, she opened her chips. He’d been alternating back and forth. “Are you one of those people who can’t have their food touch and have to eat one thing completely before you go to another?”
She stopped the chip from going to her mouth and frowned. “I think I might be. But I’m not OCD.”
“I didn’t say you were. Just that you can’t have them touch.” He picked a chip up and put it under the bread, on top of the mustard, and then closed the sandwich and took a bite. She didn’t cringe.
Nope. She laughed.