Page 52 of Fierce-Zander

“You’re testing me,” she said. “That is okay. Maybe I can do the same to you.”

He wasn’t sure what that was about and didn’t want to ask. Maybe becausehe hadbeen testing her and she was a good sport about it.

When their lunch was done and cleaned up, he wasn’t sure what they might do but didn’t want to take his leave just yet.

It was too early to suggest dinner. For all he knew, she had things to do around her house.

She cleaned up the island and threw everything out, then wiped down the counter while he took care of the empty water bottles.

“That took all of one minute,” he said, laughing.

“Yep,” she said, walking over and putting her arms around his neck. “I want you to kiss me again.”

“I can do that,” he said, lowering his mouth to hers. It was just a light kiss like the one last night. No reason to rush for more even if his body was craving it.

But she nudged his mouth open and slipped her tongue in. The moan that escaped was hard for him to tell if it was his or hers.

He supposed it hadn’t mattered all that much.

She was pushing his flannel shirt off though and he helped her remove it.

She stepped back. “Yeah. That was cruel.”

“Did it work?” he asked, his eyes dropping to her breasts. She’d never put her sweatshirt on. It wasn’t that cold and they’d been walking. He almost took his flannel shirt off but didn’t because there was part of him that was a little embarrassed to do it in public.

He’d like to think he was in good shape. He worked out at the gym in his complex at least five days a week. Sometimes seven days depending on his work schedule or if he was on the road.

That physical excursion helped clear his mind.

If it benefited the way his body looked, he wasn’t complaining.

But he didn’t make a habit of flaunting it in places that had family outings.

“I think you know the answer to that. Just like I caught your eyes on me several times today. Not onmyeyes.”

“Guilty. I might have had the urge to bust the face of another man looking at you.”

She laughed. “I noticed. So did the guy’s wife. She’ll deal with it later I’m sure.”

He liked her self-awareness too.

“Do I get to kiss you again?” he asked.

“Well,” she said. “Here is the deal. I’m one to talk things out and maybe this isn’t the time, but I feel I should explain myself so you don’t get the wrong idea.”

He lifted his eyebrow. “Wrong idea about what?”

“I want you to take me to my bed. Not that I want to pressure you.”

“You’re not,” he said, smirking. This was working out better than he thought. Took the pressure off of him.

“I didn’t think so. I’m not the type of woman to do this on a third date. Not even several dates after.”

“Then why now?”

“Because things are moving fast internally for me,” she said. “Not in a serious manner.”

He wasn’t sure he liked that she rushed that out but understood her need for it too.