Page 111 of Fierce-Zander

“Me too,” Garrett said. “We won’t keep you long. Just wanted to pop our heads in.”

“I’m bummed I didn’t notice it beforehand. I was pushing hard too. So was Betsy. We thought we had it all figured out but really didn’t.”

“I can see where the two of them would try to pull it over on you,” Garrett said.

“It was Zander who figured it out early on,” Miles said. “Regan was clueless and maybe it was better that way. Though I was throwing Zander’s name out left and right, she had no idea it had to do with what you guys had planned.”

He frowned. “We didn’t get that information.” At least he didn’t think they did. But it didn’t surprise him either that Zander knew. “Zander had known we had him on our list. But we didn’t even know who until a little after Regan moved into the building. She’s barely been here six months. How long have they been dating?”

“From what I can gather, about two months, give or take a week or so.” Miles leaned in closer and lowered his voice. “It’s serious. I can tell you that much. I know Regan. Betsy knows Zander. We only found out because something happened with a client and Zander found out and was livid. Betsy claims Zander never loses his cool. That is when we realized that something was brewing with them.”

Grant didn’t know that information and knew that he couldn’t find out more even if he was nosy enough to want it. “I hope it’s nothing serious.”

“No,” Miles said. “It’s fine. Just that emotions were running high.”

His brother laughed. “That is always when everyone slips. It sounds as if it’s working out well.”

“So far,” Miles said crossing his fingers and holding both hands up. “May it continue.”

“It will,” Garrett said. “Trust me. This one is darn near signed, sealed, and delivered.”

“After two months?” Miles asked. “You must be good, but I hope you’re right.”

“We always are,” Garrett said.

The two of them took their leave. “That was getting a little cocky,” he said to his twin.

“Am I wrong?”

“No, but we don’t normally admit it that early,” he said. “We’ll just keep that little bit to ourselves when we fill our wives in.”

“How have you been, Zachery?”Regan asked. “It was the first she’d seen him since she’d gotten the anonymous letter. She had no idea who could have sent it, but Miles had put together a list of who might have been upset. She had too. They compared their lists and had both included Zachery.

“Not bad,” Zachery said. “The house is still lonely without Katelyn. She isn’t talking much to me, but we’ve got to work things out. I still want to meet with you and her.”

“I told you I’d be open to it, but I can’t ask Katelyn to do it. She has to work it out with you and then you’d make an appointment together.”

“I asked her to come with me today. She never answered me. She’s being passive aggressive. I guess looking back, she’s always been this way.”

It was the frown on Zachery’s face. She held her response back. The one where it was him that was passive aggressive to get his way with Katelyn.

Not from what Katelyn had said to her in their sessions but from what she’d observed with their couple’s therapy.

That Zachery was always trying to manipulate Katelyn and that was part of what caused most of their marital issues.

“I think it’s time to look forward and not back, don’t you agree?” she asked.

“I suppose,” Zachery said. “I mean I am. I went on a date this week.”

She lifted her eyebrow. That hadn’t taken long for him to move on.

Which blew her theory out of the water that he sent her the letter.

It didn’t seem to her he was holding onto things or blaming her if he was already dating someone else.

“How did that feel?” she asked. “Or would you rather not talk about it? You’ve been married for ten years, correct?”

“Married for seven years,” Zachery said. “We dated for one year, engaged for six months. Katelyn shoved that knowledge down my throat enough. She didn’t like it when I’d tease her about different lengths of time.”