Page 112 of Fierce-Zander

She knew that information but wanted to see if he did. Katelyn had said it before in their sessions when Zachery would joke about their time together.

Then later on when Katelyn would say that he never took anything seriously.

At least Zachery had listened. “I think it’s important to know when your partner is more sensitive about a topic.”

“I knew,” Zachery said. “She didn’t get it was part of my personality. Maybe you were right and it’s time to just move on. But we’ve got things to work out and if Katelyn won’t talk to me, it will be hard to do that. I’d rather not just do this all through our attorneys.”

“Have you expressed that to her?” she asked. “Maybe mediation is a way to start?”

“I’d like that if I can’t get her in here. If I’m not good enough for Katelyn, then I’ll be good enough for someone else. My date went well.”

It seemed to her he wanted to talk about this since he’d brought it up more than once. “How did you meet?”

“Online,” Zachery said. “A site for recent singles.”

“So you could find a common bond?” she asked. That didn’t sound like it’d be a good common bond at first, but to each their own. Sometimes finding someone who felt like a victim was just another person to bitch with.

“Serena and I have been talking for a few weeks. Had our first date last week. She went through the same thing as me. Her husband wanted a divorce rather than working it out. She felt blindsided.”

“Did you feel blindsided with Katelyn?” she asked. Zachery was the one who wanted the counseling and hoped to work his marriage out. It’s not as if Katelyn hadn’t been saying she was unhappy for a good year or more.

“I guess I never realized how miserable she was. But now I don’t have to deal with it anymore. She can stay in her tiny apartment and be miserable alone. I’m going to get out there and see what else there is to offer.”

She talked with Zachery for another thirty minutes. More about him boasting about his wonderful qualities.

He didn’t lack much confidence.

“Well?” Miles asked when Zachery was out the door. “Do you think it’s him?”

“No,” she said. “Not at all. He’s moved on and spent most of his time telling me why and how happy he is and just wants the divorce to be final.”

“So you never brought up the letter?” Miles asked.

“No,” she said. “I wouldn’t because I’m not sure it’s him and didn’t want to set him off. But my gut is saying no way. He’s moving on and I have too. I’ve said it before. Anonymous letters are just cowardice. The sender would never do anything other than blow off steam.”

“I’m glad you are so confident about that,” Miles said. “Me, I think we need more of the sunshine couple here and not so much drama.”

“Colin and Maria were nice to meet with,” she admitted.

“I wonder why they canceled two weeks ago,” Miles said. “They haven’t rescheduled either. I reached out to them and left a message.”

“Did they get back to you?” she asked. “They were only here to improve their communication before marriage. We had four sessions scheduled I believe. So the one they canceled was an extra.”

Miles frowned. “I know. It’s just nice to see happy couples coming in. And yes, Maria emailed me back to say she got what she needed out of it and was thrilled.”

“There you go,” she said. “A satisfied couple.”

“Speaking of satisfied couples,” Miles said. “The Fierce twins were in here while you were meeting with Zachery.”

She laughed. “I’m sure they wanted to rub my nose into things. Good thing I was busy.”

“They weren’t too bad,” Miles said. “But they got their digs in. I didn’t say much. They’d been over to see Zander prior to a meeting.”

“And we know Zander wouldn’t have said a lot either,” she said.

“Now it’s all out in the open.”

“I’m not sure if that is a good thing or not,” she said. “But it is what it is and, like Zachery, I’m going to move on.”