The guard came back with a crown – he recognized it too. It was one of Adelina’s favorites. Nash couldn’t help his smile as she took it from the guard.
Silence once more as the fervent whispers about the events unfolding ceased.
Kaita knelt before the crown Adelina held. And despite the differences in their culture – their coronations…it was perfect.
“It seems only fitting that a warrior princess of Khara be crowned in her armor moments after battle,” Adelina stated loud enough for everyone to hear.
Nash couldn’t agree more.
“Kaita of Neofilis House, do you accept the mantle of Queen of Khara – to protect your people and kingdom?” Adelina asked.
The words echoed those she’d sworn herself.
Kaita nodded, taking out her blade and holding it up. “I swear my sword to the Crown. I swear my soul to this kingdom. And I swear my life to my people.”
Adelina placed her crown on Kaita’s head gently. “A gift – from one queen to another.”
Kaita sheathed her sword, tears streaked through the blood and sweat on her face.
“Rise, Queen of Khara.”
When Kaita stood, Nash knelt before her once more as did every single Corinthian.
“Long live the queen!”
He echoed the words of his Corinthian brothers and sisters. Then Nash stood and stepped back into line with his new brothers. The ones who he would share a kingdom and a wife with. Perhaps one day even children.
It had been a dream of his. To have children one day. And Nash had always known the chances were slim. He glanced at Varan. But this way…he’d get them anyway. It didn’t matter that they wouldn’t be his by blood.
Nash was ready to go home – to Draga.
Kaita touched the crown atop her head again. Not because of what it meant, but because a female notorious for her taste in jewels and how she coveted them—had gifted it to her. That meant more than Kaita could ever put into words.
She would still need an official coronation, but she would be able to start the reparations without waiting for the results of the Royal Battle.
Adelina promised she would be back soon once she was officially crowned as well to help. “You’ll be at my coronation?” Adelina had asked as they walked towards theJasmine– everyone not planning to stay in Khara was already loading up.
Some of the Drakesthai would stay to help her guard her system until things were sorted. But most were leaving – including all the Neprijat. No one in Khara was ready for that yet, but Kaita would make sure to welcome them as the cycles passed.
It would take time to heal and rebuild. But they would heal. And they would rebuild.
They’d survived this long. She had no plans on wasting everything that had been sacrificed.
“I’ll be at your coronation,” Kaita promised. “We can re-sign our alliance and treaty as well. I’ll even draft a few trade agreements.” She paused and then groaned thinking of all the paperwork to be done. “Or I’ll have someone else do it.”
Adelina chuckled at that and gave Kaita a sweet kiss on the cheek. “Yes, paperwork over the next cycle will be truly horrific. I expect to see you in a few days’ time. Don’t be late.”
Kaita nodded, feeling her throat ache as the time came upon them to depart after working together for so long. It would be strange to rule a system on her own…separate from the queen she’d been used to serving.
Then the Queen of Draga and all her warriors packed up and left. The warships blotted out the morning sun as they flew up and up until they disappeared in the crowd cover.
Kaita sighed and turned back to the palace jutting up into the sky.
There was so much to be done. And she didn’t even have any of her clothes. What she would find in that palace…Kaita almost didn’t want to know. But she had to start collecting their dead and sorting them, making lists, figuring out who would rule which planet until offspring of each House could be born.
“Thank you,” Vivienne murmured, stepping forward through the crowd of remaining royals. “I wanted to thank you for everything.”