Page 100 of Fate of Draga

Kaita inspected the girl – somehow alive despite everything. Her warriors had found her in the king’s bedchambers along with a few other females. They’d brought her here and Kaita studied her – her strength.

“Valdis died trying to free you,” she told her.

Tears filled Vivienne’s eyes and she nodded. “I will never forget it either.”

Tilting her head she inspected the female. “I want to grant you his lands and title. You would have inherited them had you been wed.”

Her gorgeous eyes widened and the other royals shuffled but said nothing. She was queen now.

“Rule Minara?” Vivienne asked. “But I don’t possess royal blood.”

“No,” Kaita agreed. “But you could carry the offspring of Tigris House if you are willing. That child would inherit Minara.”

Tears ran down her cheeks and Vivienne threw her arms around Kaita. “It would honor me to serve Valdis in this way. It is the least I can do for him; take care of his home after what he sacrificed for me.”

Kaita returned the hug and led the female up the stairs, jerking her chin at the other royals. “Good. We have much work to do. But first, let’s check to make sure our royal DNA has been preserved.”

“The king never found it,” Princess Svana told her. “We managed to keep that secret at least if only for the fact he never asked us where, or demanded we show it to him.”

Relief filled her and her knees felt weak with the strength of it.

The king had tried to wipe Khara’s royal blood from existence, but he’d failed no matter how much destruction and death he had caused. They could rebuild and a new generation would be there to inherit.

She smiled and walked through the golden doors of her new home.

For the first time in a long time, Kaita felt excitement and joy when she looked to the future rather than fear and doubt.

She’d saved her people as she’d set out to do the moment she’d entered the Draga System. Kaita had saved them and she would make sure everything they’d lost wouldn’t be for nothing.

The Queen of Khara promised herself she would make a future for them that was worth living for.

Chapter Twenty-Two

The Fate of Draga


Joslynn looked up at the cloudy sky of Pedranus and breathed in the cool air. She’d been working nonstop for what felt like weeks, but it had barely been more than two.

It felt good to be back home even if she was alone. Even if the news from the war was slow. It had been speeding up slowly as the days wore on. Joslynn wasn’t sure what they were doing at the front, but she knew Adelina would have people working on the signals just as the queen mother worked on the receivers.

But the livestream played non-stop, showing them everything as it arrived.

The Battle to the Border was what they’d started calling that terrible fight that had demolished so many of them on their way to Khara and Adelina. Brogna was now the talk of the system.

Joslynn only cared that Sirus had survived.

No one knew how they crossed the shield into the Hai System, but then they’d received footage of meetings with the Queen and the Hand as well as Sirus and Prince William…

She wiped sweat from her forehead and started pulling weeds again. Colin watched over her, working the machinery for the larger fields for the Pedranus Seat.

Sirus had what little army she possessed.

Only a few patrolled Pedranus – there mostly for a quick warning and evacuation. She didn’t care how dangerous it was to be outside the Core’s shield. She’d needed to go home after losing the baby.

It still hurt to think about, a weight on her heart that felt as though it crushed her chest. But Joslynn had hope Sirus would survive. Then they could finally build their life together as they’d planned.

“Lady!” a servant from the Seat came running, screaming for her.