His wife, mate, and queen grinned at him when she noticed he’d taken off his shirt. “Everything all right,moya lubov?”
Hearing the Drakesthai words fall from her tongue so effortlessly made Kaiden’s dick harden. ‘My love.’ She only ever said it in private, but Kaiden felt a thrill in his chest every time she called him such – it washed away the dark sadness he’d held inside for so long. The darkness that had grown and festered since the day he realized he’d most likely never have a female of his own.
“It’s just a bit warm,” Kaiden confessed, clearing his throat when she sat on his lap and put her arms around his neck. Instantly he wanted to wrap his wings around her and kiss her senseless, but he’d come here for a reason.
Adelina ran her nails down the back of his neck and then pressed a kiss to his lips. Her soft curves, scent, and gentle touch made his blood boil.
Kaiden cleared his throat again. “Kyotona, I’ve discovered a Neprijat factory I think you may want to look at. It appears they’d set one up without informing the council.”
She paused in her attentions. “What sort of factory?”
Searching her face, Kaiden saw the threads of who she was woven into a gorgeous pattern. She may shed masks, or roles, like a snake could shed skin, but she was all of those things and they made her stronger – uniquely suited to her position.
“It appears to be a factory that produced warships.”
“How did you discover it?” Nash asked warily, setting his foot down so he could lean forward, propping his forearms on his knees.
“We’ve been combing the Neprijat databases,” Kaiden said. “The coordinates were there along with a list of other production sites. Such as mining, storage locations, supplies, and the like.”
Varan grinned. “So we’ve discovered the Neprijat caches in the Hai System. This is good news, mate,” he said, buckling his pants. “We should analyze this list and leave immediately to see what we can find.”
Nash nodded and stood. Kaiden couldn’t help but admire the size of him yet again. “I agree. Let me get changed.” The Corinthian strode for his newly assigned bedroom and kissed Adelina on the top of the head as he passed.
The king consort did the same and disappeared into the room he shared with Adelina.
It left him alone with her and she gave him a rueful smile. “I wish I could go.”
Kaiden shook his head. “No, we can take care of this for you. I’ll make sure a team comes with us in case we find what we need. But even if we do, figuring out how it works will take time.”
She nodded. “Which we don’t have a lot of, but there are a few who’ve become quite familiar with Neprijat tech and then there are a few of your people who can speak the Neprijat tongue. Between all of us I believe we can make this work.”
He remained silent as she looked past him. There was nothing there but the door, and Kaiden knew she was lost in her thoughts seeing things he could only guess at. “I will do anything I can to assist you,” he murmured, stroking her disheveled curls. “I’ve been speaking to the dragon trainers.”
“Oh?” she asked with a smile, tilting her head so he could kiss her neck. Her wild scent was strongest there and he breathed it in deep.
“Mhm,” he murmured, rubbing his nose from her collarbone to her earlobe. “There aren’t many of them left, but they can tear apart ships and patrol the borders…tell me what you want me to do with them and it will be done.”
She gasped when he nibbled her delicate skin. The urge to claim her was so strong he almost gave in, but they had work to do yet.
“May I come to you tonight?” Kaiden asked. His voice was hoarse as his desire threatened to choke him.
Adelina’s nails pricked his bare shoulders and then she held him tight, hugging him. “Yes,” she whispered. “We will find a way for all of us to mesh together over time. I promise.”
Kaiden nodded, not concerned in the slightest. There was always an adjustment period any time a new mate was added to the female’s harem – at least that was what he’d been told by the few males he knew who’d been mated.
And in this situation, two more had been added quickly. Finding their place and rhythm would take time, especially since all three of them were so different. Nash and Varan hadn’t been raised in a society where males expected to share – where they were equally as interested in each other. Well, most of them. There were a rare few who were not attracted to the same sex.
“What will you do while we’re away?” Kaiden asked, holding her tightly. He wished he never had to let her go – that he could win this war tomorrow for her so they could live their lives together as a family without the threat looming over them like a blade ready to fall at any moment.
“I will meet with the scientists, and then spend some time with the Unchanged.” Adelina sighed and then pulled back so she could study his face. A sharp nail gently traced the line of his jaw and Kaiden gritted his teeth to keep from tasting her.
“When we win this war, I don’t want things to go back to the way they were,” she confessed. “I want our alliances to hold. I want to open up our borders for trade and learning and sharing our knowledge…I want to be better than our forefathers.”
Kaiden looked into her amethyst eyes, so mesmerizing as the color darkened and lightened to accommodate her moods. Even though he’d doubted at first, the universe had known she was his – had known she would be perfect for him.
Adelina was a wonder and a gift.
“I’m sure you will accomplish all of this and more,” he murmured, unable to resist kissing her—softly, gently…as if they had all the time in the world.