There was hunger in Kaiden’s eyes, but also a wariness that instantly sobered her. “As much as I would love to,kyotona, Asher is not far away and I have information I think you’ll want to hear.”
Adelina nodded and kissed Varan before standing. The scent of his seed mixed with Nash’s made her desire flare again. All three of them could smell her need based on the way their eyes darkened. “Let me fetch my robe and we can discuss it.”
Kaiden stepped in and the door closed behind him silently. “Should I undress as well?” he asked, eyeing Nash’s naked form and Varan’s undressed one.
“Only if you wish, my love,” she tossed over her shoulder, secretly hoping he would. “Can you tell me everything you need to while inside me?”
The scent of all three of their desire flaring at her words shouldn’t have pleased her as much as it did.
Chapter Eight
The Jasmine
Khara/Hai Border
The Hai System
The scents in Adelina’s suite aboard theJasminehit him like a brick to the face. Kaiden instantly felt his cock harden to the point it strained painfully against his pants, but his wife and mate had already disappeared into her bedroom.
He looked to Nash and couldn’t help but admire the male’s physique. It was nearly identical to a Drakesthai warrior’s minus the wings. But it was the tattoos across his chest and arms that intrigued Kaiden.
Due to the Drakesthai’s isolation from Khara and Draga – so little about the details of the Corinthian way of life and culture were known. Thanks to their intel they knew the Corinthians tattooed themselves at certain points in their lives, but they didn’t know what the marks stood for or what they meant.
“Can I assist you with something?” Nash snapped.
The tone made Kaiden bristle. “Perhaps if you weren’t so defensive all the time this would be easier. Have you thought of that possibility?”
Varan’s surprised laughter diffused his anger and Kaiden rustled his wings again so he could pull them in tight to his body. These Draga ships weren’t built with wings in mind.
“Mate, I had no idea you could be so sassy.”
Kaiden huffed but it made him smile regardless. He sat carefully on the chair Adelina had brought from the eyrie for him and his wings. “I do not believe I am…‘sassy,’ but there is an end to my patience. I was simply wondering about your marks,” he said with a jerk of his chin to Nash.
Nash didn’t bother getting dressed or getting a robe. Kaiden wondered if it was some kind of statement as the large male sat down on the empty couch and crossed one ankle over his knee. Varan pulled up his pants but didn’t bother buckling them.
Was Varan one of those males in Draga who had no sexual preference? Kaiden had seen and read about that part of the Dragan culture. They went after who they were attracted to, regardless of sex, station, and physical differences such as skin color etc.
How things were done among the Drakesthai before the females became so rare, Kaiden didn’t really know. A lot of their history was murky and things had changed so subtly. Until suddenly it changed drastically thanks to the infertility.
Many males paired up with other males, knowing how doubtful it would be to end up mated to a female. Every cycle they were presented to the females, but so few had the bond. Then there were times that the Unchanged allowed the Drakesthai males to see if any of those humans were their mate.
But still…there were so many males and they were all creatures who desired comfort and love like everyone else.
Kaiden had been with a few males over his life, but none had he loved like he did Adelina. As he considered Varan, Kaiden felt like the male could be one he could grow to love – if the king consort allowed it to happen.
Then he eyed Nash again. Yes, the Corinthian was attractive, but there was a lot for that one to work through. Unless he was interested in both sexes Kaiden doubted Nash would ever be physical with him or Varan.
He could tell from his comfort in his own skin that Nash would learn and grow and become comfortable with sharing Adelina with him, or Varan…or both of them. But he would never want to take Kaiden himself.
His gaze slid to Varan. But the consort might.
The thief’s eyes glittered as he watched Kaiden. He saw so much…
The sexual tension in the room rose exponentially and Kaiden ripped off his shirt as the heat started to make him sweat.
Adelina reemerged from the bedroom in a silk robe that did little to hide her generous curves and the scent of both males lingered on her. She hadn’t bothered to wash up more than was necessary it seemed.