Nash nodded, studying Khara Prime with his mouth twisted in distaste. She wasn’t sure if it was because of the memories he no doubt had of living in the palace there – the same palace that was now infected. Or was it because he hadn’t been there when his family had been slaughtered?
Like hers had been.
Kaita rolled her shoulders back and tried not to remember what running had been like, those harrowing weeks when they’d desperately fled to the border, praying Draga wouldn’t turn them away.
At the time she’d thought she had been the only living royal, but there were three others now, perhaps more. Kaita had been so relieved to find the Crown had not fallen to her, but now…it seemed like Fate had other plans. She was to wear it whether she liked it or not.
Through blood and victory.
Adelina cocked her head as she studied the numbers and locations. “We need a signal – one you can give without risking your exposure so we know when to advance.”
Kaita was to lead a massive force, hide it among the planets, and tear down the Neprijat from the inside. She was to lead them, most likely to their deaths. Could she stomach it?
Leading people to their deaths was something she’d never wanted. But the end result was worth it. Their home and freedom. It would be her first test as leader she supposed.
“Nash?” Kaita asked. After all, he was the one most experienced with battle despite everything she’d done – all the small battles and skirmishes they’d had getting to Hai.
There had been times Kaita didn’t think they’d make it. So much had been riding on them, on the hope they’d presented. But they’d managed to make it to the Drakesthai and convince them not to murder everyone on sight.
She and Nash had sown the seeds for this alliance. Kaita was proud of that.
The prince looked to her and waited for Kaita to come up with her own answer – reminding her no doubt that he had no plans to rule their home.
At least now the Queen would back her up and help her take back her kingdom, finally. Because Kaita and her people couldn’t do it alone. There was no shame in that. Even the mighty Drakesthai had needed assistance.
Now it was their turn to return the favor.
Kaita tugged her necklace. “When the time comes I will set off the beacon. Nash has its twin.” An old system, one meant for lovers and family.Help. Come find me. I am lost. I need you.
In a universe so vast one needed a beacon to find their loved ones before it was too late.
“The Neprijat won’t be able to track it?” Adelina asked, but there was no fear or accusation in her voice. Only curiosity.
At least this war had done that. They were all close – far closer than they had been in centuries past. They were strong together. Even the Drakesthai had come to trust them. Kaiden’s wings rustled as if he could sense she was thinking about him and his people.
“We have something similar,” Kaiden admitted. “The signal only reacts to its twin. Otherwise it’s invisible to scanners. It cannot be intercepted. It’s why they were so popular.”
Kaita nodded, remembering all the charms that had lit up like a rainbow on her necklace and then went dark before help could reach them. It had been what nearly broke her as she ran. First it had been her parents and then her siblings.
Some beacons had never gone off.
Kaita didn’t know what happened to them. But she had Nash’s. The other two living royals were nestled beside his. The ones that had gone dark had been buried on a moon in Khara before she’d crossed the border.
The ones who had never gone live were on a chain dangling from her belt. Kaita still prayed they would go off one day and she could save whoever was left. But until then she had to save her people. Perhaps a royal or two would be among them.
She tried not to think of what she would do if she was crowned queen and there were no royal families left to rule their planets.
“A transmission, your majesty,” a male murmured.
Adelina’s face went carefully blank. They had no idea what that message would contain, and to hope now would be foolish. After how much they’d lost to retake Hai they could not afford for their tiny flicker of hope to get snuffed out by false expectations.
When Asher appeared there was a flicker of relief on Adelina’s face before she hid it once more.
For a room full of so many the silence was absolute.
“My Queen,” Prince Asher, Hand of the Queen, said with a small bow of his head. “Brogna came to our aid before the Neprijat Army managed to take out all our forces. We were forced to use many of our worldbreakers.”
The prince paused and everyone in that room held their breath as they waited.