“Somehow the Neprijat had hidden nearly half a million warships with countless fighters in our territory. They appeared out of nowhere, but the goal was clear. They intended to sacrifice everything and everyone to keep us from reaching you.” The dark prince’s eyes flickered for a moment.
He was still in his armor, hair in disarray and the sweat on his face ran tracks through the dust and dirt. It looked like he’d had a tussle. No one dared ask why he was so dirty when his warship was intact.
Adelina seemed to drink in the sight of him. “William?” she whispered.
“Alive but we lost Prince Solomon,” Asher said gravely. “Our uncle sacrificed his warship and all its worldbreakers to take out so many of theirs.”
Again he paused and Kaita wondered—feared how close it had been. How many of them were even left?
Then Asher relayed what had happened during the battle. How Delphine made it through the lines, breaking the Neprijat apart so they could surround the forces. But the Neprijat had brokentheminstead. Then Brogna made it just in time. Scyria had swept the battlefield clean and no Neprijat remained in the Draga System as far as they were aware.
“We are already on our way to the border,” Asher said, but the grim set to his mouth made Kaita’s heart pound. “But we’ve lost half our forces. The worldbreakers are nearly depleted. We must find some other way to take out their warships or we will not win this war.”
Adelina was silent for a moment as she took that in – as theyalltook that in.
Weapons. They needed a weapon that could take out a Neprijat warship, that could be built quickly and with minimal transportation. How in all the worlds would they find something likethat?
“I will find a solution,” Adelina said. “Head to the coordinates given and I will have something for you by then. How long?”
Kaita tried not to gape at the female she’d thought to be no more than some airheaded meek little princess a cycle ago. This female before her was no such thing. She was a force to be reckoned with – she was what turned that flicker of hope from a spark into a flame.
Asher didn’t question her, he simply nodded. “As you wish, my queen. We will be there in two days. And Darius…”
Kaita remembered – the royal guard who’d been possessed. She stiffened as did everyone else.
“He remembers nothing. I apologize for failing to get you more information in that regard.” Asher glared as if he could make the information appear out of thin air.
But Adelina smiled sadly and shook her head. “It was a small chance regardless. Get everyone to the border alive and I hope you bring your best battle plans brother. This next one will not be easy.”
Kaita snorted. As if the others had been, but she supposed in comparison…Kaita blocked out the screaming panic that tried to claw its way up her throat whenever she thought too much about what she was about to do.
One step at a time. That’s how they would get through this.
“Of course,” Asher said. “I look forward to it.”
Then the transmission ended and Kaita chewed on her lip, glancing at Nash again. But he was no longer her superior – not in Khara. It was a hard habit to break. Nash had already yielded to her in his mind if not in reality. So when he turned to look ather, Kaita hid her thoughts and worry from her face.
“Are you ready?” Nash asked.
Adelina turned to her then – everyone did. Kaita made sure her spine was straight and her shoulders back. She lifted her chin just slightly despite her lack of height. Kaita may not be Queen of Khara, but she may be soon. And if Nash and Adelina were going to treat her like the queen, she had to respond in kind.
“We will leave in 12 hours,” she told them. “That’s when the next Neprijat patrol is supposed to fly from Hai to Khara. If Delphine is already on her way she should be here at the border before then. Then she will join me on Khara Prime. We’ve already split up the forces and assigned planets to each legion.”
Adelina nodded in grim approval. “Is there anything I can do—any of us can do to assist you?”
Kaita held the female’s gaze for a long moment – queen to queen.
What that simple offer meant to her – Kaita didn’t let it show on her face, but she knew Adelina could see the depth of her gratitude in her rose-colored eyes. “Once I activate the beacon everything will depend on when you arrive. My people will die if you are one second late. So don’t be late. And perhaps find a way to deal with the horde?”
Kaita tilted her head and gave the other queen a playful smile to hide the real fear and desperation roiling beneath her skin. Everything depended on their allies coming to their aid at the precise moment she needed them.
Would they abandon her like they had the Drakesthai?
The Neprijat may have had a hand in that, but it still made her wonder.
She shoved that thought down deep and was reassured by Adelina’s answering smile. “Of course. May your hunt end in blood and victory, Kaita.”
Even though she was still a princess Kaita bowed only slightly, queen to queen. “May Fate guide your sword,” Kaita said in Kharan – the ancient words rolling over her tongue.