Page 50 of Crown of Draga

Chapter Fifteen


Joslynn’s Quarters

Draga Royal Palace

Planet Draga Terra

Joslynn had takenthe midday rest despite having so much to do and plan. After Sirus’s attentions she’d needed the sleep. She still wasn’t used to the heat of Draga Terra either. Granted it was the middle of summer, but the heat and humidity made her wilt like a delicate flower. It was awful and Joslynn hated it.

Per the schedule she’d received on her arrival to the capitol planet, there were many activities set up for the visiting citizens, guests, and nobles, but none of them interested her. Joslynn rolled over and watched Sirus sleep. He had to leave her the next morning and she didn’t feel ready. Only his eye surgery settled a small part of her worry.

His blond hair was almost white and she couldn’t resist running her fingers through it. Joslynn wondered what their child would look like one day. Would they have her red hair or his blond? Or perhaps some mix of the two with blond hair and green eyes rather than his blue ones. Joslynn secretly hoped the child would look like him. His exotic beauty astonished her.

Despite the harshness of Scyria he’d thrived. The muscles and broad shoulders Sirus had were irresistible. Joslynn kissed his shoulder and a low growl came from him. “You better stop, or I’m going to have to do something about it.”

She couldn’t help the giggle when he cracked an eye and glared at her. “You’re going to kill me,” he muttered, rolling onto his back. “A man can only have sex so much in one day before he dies of pleasure.”

Joslynn laughed. Her barbarian lord was utterly ridiculous. “Well the more sex we have the better.”

“Oh really,” he murmured, leaning over to kiss a trail from the small of her back all the way up her spine. “Why is that?”

Suddenly Joslynn felt nervous. Butterflies flitted around in her stomach and she felt like one wrong word and their small bubble of peace would shatter. “Well,” she hedged. “It would increase our chances for offspring.”

Sirus stilled. Joslynn sighed internally. She should have kept her mouth shut on the matter.

“You want children already?” he asked, pulling back to look into her face.

Joslynn sat up in the bed and wrapped the thin blanket around her, knotting it into place. “Of course I do,” she said. “I’ve always wanted a family.”

That ice blue eye softened and he stroked her hair back from her face. “So I’m not only your stud, only good for creating an heir?” he teased.

She breathed a sigh of relief. Thank the three-faced goddess he wasn’t upset. Occasionally it felt as though their relationship was as fragile as a newborn babe.

“No, Sirus.” Joslynn leaned forward and gave him a peck on the lips. “You’re also quite handsome and good at reaching things on high shelves.” She scurried out of the bed as quickly as she could when that playful growl rattled the windows.

Joslynn shrieked as he came after her, he was completely naked and divine. The thick length of him was on display and her mouth watered. Sirus pinned her against a wall and she practically panted when his cock brushed against her through the blanket, already half-hard.

“I want a family with you, Joslynn,” Sirus said quietly, his expression growing serious. “But it does frighten me to think of having a child at this time. There will be war, one way or another and I fear for any babe born in a world of horror.”

He pressed his forehead to hers and Joslynn knew he was right, but she wouldn’t put life on hold because something awful could happen. “I’m not going to live in fear,” she promised. “I believe in you, Sirus, and I believe in us. We will always find a way.”

Sirus nodded and kissed her gently, lovingly. Joslynn melted against him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I have to ready the ships,” he said against her lips.

“I wish you weren’t leaving.” Joslynn wrapped her legs around his waist and his hands grabbed her ass, holding her up.

Sirus turned and headed for the bed. “I believe I can make some time for you, to show you how I feel,” he said, gently laying her on the bed. In one smooth motion he ripped off the blanket and exposed her completely.

Joslynn gasped and spread her legs for him. “Only if you promise to remind me again after the midnight dinner and before you leave in the morning.”

Sirus grinned as he pressed the head of his cock to her entrance. “I’ll make sure to add it to my schedule.”

Joslynn held on tight, memorizing each line of his face, the scars across his body, and the way he looked in the sunlight as he took her slow and soft. Sirus was the male for her and she couldn’t imagine life without him anymore.

He was her family now.

* * *