“Are you all right, Countess?”Princess Adelina asked.
Joslynn looked up from the box of gems and gold, still lost in thought. Her mind had been on the possibility of pregnancy ever since Sirus had left her sated and naked to make preparations. She smiled and offered the princess the box. It was beautiful on the small balcony overlooking the Notte Mountains. Only a royal invitation allowed one access to the private place.
The sun had disappeared and the twinkling night sky was a glory to behold. The remaining streaks of pinks and purples over the ocean were a desperate attempt of the Kala sun to stay before the lover gave way to his wives – the three moons.
Joslynn had been flattered at the invitation and it gave her a rare opportunity to talk to Adelina alone without the recorders constantly on them. “I appreciate your concern, Princess. I apologize for being a bit distracted.”
Adelina took the heavy black-wood box and set it on the table before them. The shade from the palms instantly cooled Joslynn and the iced tea helped even more. There were a few small cakes on the table, but it was a business transaction. She was not naïve enough to think Princess Adelina would ever have sought out her private company if she did not have a reason to.
The creak of the hinges settled some of the nerves in Joslynn’s stomach.
“Do not worry, Joslynn. I understand how difficult it must be to have someone you love leave on a dangerous mission for the border.”
She looked up sharply, but there was a bored smile on Adelina’s face. “You don’t have to play that game with me,” Joslynn snapped. She instantly regretted her temper.
Instead of a punishment though, the princess laughed hard enough the courtesan, Nadyah came from inside the palace to check on them. There were secret touches and a look of understanding before she refilled both of the iced tea glasses and then disappeared again.
“I appreciate your honesty, Joslynn. It is a difficult mask to remove after so many cycles.”
Joslynn’s eyes widened and she was shocked the princess would even admit to such a thing.
Adelina shrugged as she took out the gems and gently set them on a velvet cloth. “Nadyah has secured the balcony against spies as well as any recorders in the area. I like you and you’ve been forward with me which I appreciate.” The ingots of gold in various colors came out next and the princess lovingly traced a finger over every piece. “What is it you want to ask me?”
Joslynn stared. How had she known Joslynn had a question to ask?
Nothing on the livestream had prepared her for this side of Adelina. Not even the visits on her planet had revealed much of a serious mind behind the vapid smile. It was only recently she’d noticed something had changed.
“Sirus has accepted my proposal,” she said, getting to the point. Something about the princess’s confession eased her nerves. Joslynn took the rough diamond from her pocket and the folded, handwritten note. “If you would honor me, I would love nothing more than for your skill to be the one to grace a piece I will wear for the rest of my life.”
Tears rimmed Adelina’s eyes when she took in the diamond and the note on the table, but true to the rumors of royal emotions she didn’t let them fall. Adelina blinked them back and carefully picked up the massive rock, still rough and uncut. “Is it a love match?” she asked.
Joslynn blushed and rubbed the fabric of her dress between her fingers. “Yes, Princess.”
“Oh, Joslynn,” Adelina breathed. “I’m so happy for you.” The princess threw her arms around Joslynn’s neck and hugged her.
At first she was too shocked to respond, but then she relaxed and hugged the girl in return. “Thank you, Adelina.” It was strange, but Joslynn felt as though the two of them could easily be friends.
“Is this from Sirus?” Adelina asked, fingernail tapping the note.
She nodded. “He has described what he would like done with the stone and a rough design. The rest is up to you, if you’ll take the job.” Joslynn knew it was looked down upon for a princess to have such a mundane trade, but nothing about gems and jewels was mundane in Joslynn’s eyes.
“Of course I’ll take the job. Making engagement rings for love matches is my favorite part of this work. It’s so romantic,” she sighed, rolling the diamond between her fingers as she squinted at it.
There was a professionalism to that squint, and Joslynn shook her head with a smile. The universe was missing out on the real princess and she felt sorry for them. “What do you think of the jewels and gold for the coronation necklace?”
Instantly Adelina’s face shut down and there was a blank look in her eyes Joslynn didn’t like. “I will no longer be crafting a necklace for the coronation. It will still be done, but I plan to hold on to it for now.” Adelina took a small box out of the bigger one and set the diamond in it gently before slamming the lid closed.
Joslynn flinched at the rage she could feel, the strange scent of jasmine she’d never come across before twined around her and she dropped her eyes to the table. Strange, she knew she was more dominant than the princess.
“I apologize,” Joslynn said softly, treating her like she would any of the other royals. Draga blood made them all dangerous.
Adelina sighed. “No, I should be the one to apologize. My sister has been…problematic – and rude.”
She tried her best, but still a snort of laughter escaped her.
The princess looked up in surprise, but amusement danced in those Draga eyes.
“So the rumors are true,” Joslynn said, risking everything for a possible friendship. What she’d heard about the real reason behind Prince Nash’s sanctuary disturbed her.