A growl escaped. Veri couldn’t help it. “To serve the Crown and the people does not mean absolute obedience. You said you and Adelina work together to help Raena…what about Giselle? What about the plans to protect the people?”
Asher nuzzled her neck. “I’m a trained warrior. I can fight in the war to come.”
Fear trickled down her spine. “Then I will fight with you,” she said, her lips brushing against his neck. “I’ve trained for cycles with my warriors. We’ve fought the creatures my entire life. I can hold my own.”
“Mmm,” he purred against her neck, licking from her collarbone to her earlobe. “I don’t doubt your skill, Lady Veri.”
Her grip tightened on her prince. “I won’t let you fight alone. I will stay by your side until we come out the other end. Once the war is over, we can make plans for your future.”
Asher pulled back and eyed her. “What do you mean?”
She shrugged one shoulder delicately; suddenly nervous she’d gone too far too soon. “If you don’t think you have a place here, I will need someone to help me rule Priea. You would be able to use your power for good there.”
Asher’s dark gaze pinned her to her spot. “I’ll consider the offer, Lady Veri. But there is something else for you to consider.”
She pushed back the fear, knowing he could smell it if she gave in to the feeling.
“If I was needed here, would you give up your right to rule your beloved planet to stay with me?”
Veri thought she may faint. It was everything she wanted to hear and more, but she knew what he was asking. Never did she think she would give up her right to rule. Veri hadn’t thought such a thing could exist. Now, here he was before her.
She smiled instead, hiding the tumultuous emotions going on behind the mask. “I’ll consider the offer, mia principe,” she said, echoing his own words.
Asher grinned and pulled her forward, crushing her lips with his own. “I enjoy your fire,” he said as he kissed her senseless.
Veri’s heart fluttered with a strange emotion she found difficult to describe. Giving up Priea was the last thing in the universe she wanted, but this male tempted her to hand it over to her brother on a silver platter. Oh, he was as dangerous as he’d said, but not for the reasons he thought.
She kissed him back, letting him devour her from the inside out.