“I’m glad you like it. Well, it’s approaching the time for your dedication speech. Are you ready?”

Logan glanced at his watch and saw that Patrick was right. It was almost time for Logan to stand up in front of everyone and dedicate the painting to the museum. Even though Delaney wasn’t here.

Logan’s chest felt tight. Some part of him had hoped that she might still come, out of curiosity if nothing else. Yet there was no sign of the beautiful art consultant anywhere. He would have to go ahead without her. He would really have to let her go. Logan prepared himself for a different kind of speech than the one he’d planned to give.

And then…

Across the room, there was a flutter of movement. A woman in a white dress slipped into the gallery. Her blond hair was in curls around her shoulders and she wore a pair of simple silver earrings and a cropped jacket. Her hands were clasped uncomfortably in front of her, and she looked like she’d rather disappear than stay, but she was here.

Delaney was here.

Hope surged in Logan’s chest, and he turned to Patrick.

“Yes. I’m ready. Let’s give the speech.”



Delaney wasn’t sure what she was doing here.

The exhibition room was filled with people, some of whom she recognized as either painters or collectors that she had met through work, and some of whom were unfamiliar. She spotted Carmen on the other side of the room in a pink sparkly number, chatting happily with a few other attendees. Delaney fiddled with the clasp of her clutch, which she was holding in both hands. A few weeks ago, she would have felt more comfortable here, in a museum, than anywhere else, but today she couldn’t stop scanning the room for signs of Logan.

“Bruschetta?” A waiter offered Delaney a plate of hors d’oeuvres. It was unusual to have food at an event in a museum like this, but Delaney was happy to take a piece. She did love bruschetta. The crunch of the bread and the sweet tang of the tomatoes made her smile.

Had Logan requested bruschetta for her? Delaney was sure he hadn’t, but the thought was another reminder of why she needed to go to Rome. Perhaps she shouldn’t even stay tonight. Not many people had seen her yet, and she hadn’t spotted Logan, soit wasn’t too late. She could slip out and hurry home in time for a nice bath and a relaxed evening on her last night in New York.

Then, she spotted Logan. He stood at the front of the room, deep in conversation with another man. As usual, he was dressed professionally, but tonight he’d taken it a step further. He looked dapper, and very attractive, in a tailored tuxedo that showed off his masculine form. At the sight of his familiar face, with those piercing gray eyes and strong jawline, Delaney felt a little weak in the knees. Memories flooded back, both of the beautiful times they’d spent together and of the heartbreak Logan had caused.

It had definitely been a mistake to come here tonight.

Delaney took a breath and stepped sideways towards the nearest exit. If she could just make it out of here before anyone spotted her…

“Welcome, everyone!” The man Logan had been talking to was in front of the veiled painting now, a microphone in his hand. As one, everyone turned to the front of the room, and Delaney realized that she’d missed her chance to slip out unnoticed. With the room this quiet, the door opening would be very loud.

“My name is Patrick Adaire, and I’m a curator here at the museum. Over my time here, I’ve seen a lot of striking pieces come into our collection, but today’s painting brought us all to our knees. Before you get a glimpse ofThe Cherished Infant, I’d like to introduce Logan Banks, who generously donated the work to us. Logan, would you please say a few words?”

Even if Delaney could have left now, she wouldn’t have. Even though she knew it was probably a bad idea, she needed to hear what Logan was about to say.

Logan nodded at Patrick and took the microphone. Then he turned to the crowd.

“Good evening, everyone. Thank you very much for coming today.I know you’re all eager to see the painting, so I promise I’ll be brief.” Logan shifted the microphone to his other hand, then scanned the crowd. His eyes landed on Delaney and, for a beat, he held her gaze. Delaney began to feel very warm. She looked away quickly.

“I want to tell you a little bit about the history of this painting. Not the history you know, about how it may have been painted by Botticelli, or the fact that it spent the best part of a century in a cellar, although all that is absolutely fascinating. Instead, I want to tell you a little bit about how the painting came to be in my hands.

“I heard about it from a close friend and mentor. However, I had no way of knowing whether it was genuine or not, as I’m not personally an art expert. To authenticate the painting, I drew on the expertise of a talented art consultant. She helped me ascertain the value of the painting, but that wasn’t all she did. She showed me that there’s a lot more to life than chasing financial wins. She helped me see the importance of embracing the everyday. She made my life better. On top of that, she’s the reason I donatedThe Cherished Infantto the Met, because she told me that art should be enjoyed by everyone. Because of all those reasons, I want to dedicate this exhibit to Delaney Cohen.”

At this point, heads began to turn. Several people had worked with Delaney, or knew her in other ways, and they were the first to search her out. Whispers erupted in the crowd as attendees wondered just what had happened between her and Logan.

For Delaney’s part, she was so astounded that she could hardly think straight. She’d prepared herself for almost anything this evening, but she wasn’t ready for this. Logan really had donated the painting because of her. And he’d said a lot of very nice things about her in front of everyone.

Still, she didn’t let herself get her hopes up. Logan had spoken highly of her, but that didn’t mean he wanted to be with her. Maybe this whole evening, and the donation, were just a way of evening the score.

Logan wasn’t done speaking, though.

“During our time in Rome, I fell in love with Delaney. I fell so head over heels in love with her that I acted like a complete idiot, and I’m sorry for that. I should never have treated her the way I did. A few months ago, all I cared about was winning everyone’s approval and earning more money. Now, I realize that there’s only one person whose approval I care about — and that there are a lot of things more important than money.

“Delaney.” Now, Logan’s eyes met Delaney’s again. In that moment, the crowd of people and the exhibit seemed to fall away. It could have been just the two of them, in the rain in Rome or on a sidewalk in New York City or in Delaney’s bed. “I know I’ve made mistakes, a lot of them. But I still love you, and I’m ready to do whatever it takes to earn back your trust.”