As Logan strolled, his phone buzzed with an alert. He pulled it out and saw, to his surprise, an email from Marco Vassallo. Apart from communication about the payment and delivery ofThe Cherished Infant,he hadn’t spoken to Marco since leaving Rome. Curious, Logan tapped on the email.
Dear Mr. Banks,
I hope you are well. I saw in the news that you have chosen to donateThe Cherished Infantto a museum. I had no idea this was your plan, but I’m happy to think that the painting will be seen by many after years locked away in my grandfather’s house. Hopefully, I’ll be able to make it out to New York City someday to see it.
I imagine Delaney has told you that she and I will be working together. Perhaps the three of us can collaborate again sometime — I have several more paintings I’m looking to sell, and I’d be happy to lend you the use of my new star consultant if you’re ever in Rome.
Best regards,
Marco Vassallo
A wave of dismay rolled over Logan. He’d had no idea that Delaney had accepted a job with Marco. His first thought was that he should never have introduced them, but Logan pushed that away. Delaney deserved to have every opportunity in the world, and it wasn’t for him to decide which job she could or couldn’t have.
His second was despair. If Delaney had accepted a job in Rome, that meant it was already too late for them. She might not even be in New York City anymore, and even if she was, it was clear that she was done with him. He’d waited too long and made too many mistakes along the way. Now, he would never get the chance to prove to Delaney that he could be the partner she deserved and the father their baby needed.
Logan sank onto a marble bench and dropped his head into his hands. The plan he’d made for tonight was useless. At least people would get to enjoyThe Cherished Infantbecause, after this, Logan was surehenever would.
In front of him hung a painting of a darkened landscape with menacing gray clouds rolling over the horizon. It perfectly encompassed how Logan felt in that moment. He briefly considered running to the airport or knocking on Delaney’s door in hopes that she would still be there. He could even fly to Rome and search for her at Marco’s house.
But Logan put those thoughts aside, too. Delaney was finished with him, and he wasn’t about to chase her around or make a nuisance of himself. He was ready to fight for her with everything he had, but not if there wasn’t a chance she wanted him too.
He sat on the marble bench for a long time before gathering himself and getting to his feet. Whether Delaney wanted to be with him or not, he still had an art unveiling to attend. He was honored thatThe Cherished Infantwould be enjoyed, not just by him or his wealthy investors, but by anyone who wanted to see it. Delaney had made that happen, and Logan would honor her by seeing it through.
By the time he had returned to the exhibition room, people had begun to trickle in. A lot of them were the wealthy art collectors Logan had seen at past events, but many were painters or art enthusiasts or members of the local community. Logan had asked Patrick to spread the invitation far and wide, not just among the people who usually attended this sort of unveiling, and Patrick had made good on that request. Among the crowd, Logan spotted Peter Jamison, his mentor and the man who hadtold him aboutThe Cherished Infantin the first place. Peter inclined his head and Logan nodded back.
Even though Logan knew Delaney wasn’t coming, he still scanned the crowd for any signs of her. She was nowhere to be seen, but Carmen waved at him eagerly from across the room. Logan waved back, which she seemed to take as an invitation to come over and chat.
“Logan.” She threw her hands out to her sides to encompass the room at large. “What an amazing event, yet again. I’ll be watching for your name in the future.”
“Thank you, Carmen.” Logan tried to be polite and focus on the conversation, but his gaze was still drifting across the crowd.
“I’m surprised that you decided to give upThe Cherished Infant.”
“Oh, I’m not giving it up.” Logan turned his gaze back to Carmen in her pink evening gown. “I just wanted everyone to be able to enjoy it.”
“How noble. And I’m sure the recognition you’ve gotten from such a selfless act hasn’t hurt at all!” Carmen giggled, but Logan didn’t join in.
“Actually, there’s only one person whose recognition I care about now.”
“And who is that?” Carmen edged closer, clearly interested in hearing any gossip she could.
“Delaney Cohen, actually.”
“My art consultant?” Carmen’s eyes widened.
“She’s much more than that.” Logan smiled at Carmen. “Much, much more.”
“But, my dear, she isn’t coming tonight. She gave her resignation to me so that she could move to Rome. I think she’s leaving today.”
“I know.” Logan let out a breath. “Whether she’s here or not, I want to be the best man I can be. Now, if you’ll excuse me…”
Carmen nodded, but her eyes followed Logan as he crossed the room towards Patrick. The curator was in conversation with a few attendees, but when he saw Logan approaching, he bid them goodbye.
“How is it looking?”
“You did an amazing job. Thank you.”
Patrick beamed at Logan’s praise.