Eventually, she would need to tell Logan about the baby — he deserved to know that he was going to be a father. But now wasn’t the time or place for baby news.
“So, you aren’t upset?” Logan’s brows furrowed over his gray eyes.
“No. It’s okay.”
“Then… what happened? Why didn’t you come to breakfast?”
Delaney let out an involuntary gasp. “Breakfast! Oh, no, what time is it?”
“Time to leave. We have to go, right now.” Now that he knew she wasn’t upset, Logan was starting to look more than a little annoyed. He cut himself off, though. “As long as you’re all right. You look a little pale.”
“Thanks.” Delaney sighed. “I just feel a bit under the weather. But I’m fine. I’ll get ready right away.” She turned, leaving the door open, and hurried to the dresser where she’d hung her outfit for the day. Her hair was a mess and she wasn’t wearing makeup, but clothes were the most important. She filled her arms with the skirt and jacket she’d chosen then turned to see that Logan had come in. Her eyes widened as he made a right turn — directly into the bathroom. A warning caught in Delaney’s throat, but it was too late.
Delaney dropped the clothes she’d just gathered and raced into the bathroom after Logan. He was standing by the counter, hismouth slightly open. In front of him lay the positive pregnancy test, still face up.
“Logan…” Delaney began. She could explain — she needed to explain. This wasn’t how he should have found out, but she could still make things right.
Logan turned to her, very slowly. His gray eyes were blank now and his face was pale. He looked like he’d just seen a ghost. Delaney’s explanations petered to nothing as Logan fixed her with that intense gaze. The moment stretched as they just looked at each other.
To say that Logan was speechless would have been a drastic understatement. He barely even understood his own thoughts. He just stared at the pregnancy test on the counter, then at Delaney, then back at the test. It had a plus sign on it. That had to mean that it was positive. Didn’t it?
Maybe the test wasn’t positive. Maybe it wasn’t Delaney’s. Maybe this was all some elaborate practical joke — though Delaney didn’t seem like quite the type to play inappropriate practical jokes on the morning of an important work event. There was also the fact that she hadn’t come to breakfast and that she looked pale and worried. No, this was definitely her pregnancy test.
Logan held up a hand to cut her off. He simply couldn’t deal with this, not right now. Preferably not ever. He didn’t even know what he was thinking, so how could he say the right thing to Delaney?
“We need to go.”
“Oh.” Her blue eyes widened. “Right! Um, I’ll just get dressed.”
“I’ll wait outside.” Logan brushed past her into the bedroom, then into the hallway. He leaned against the wall, thoughts swirling through his mind. It didn’t seem possible that Delaney was pregnant, but the proof had been on the counter, as clear as day. They’d used protection during the night they’d spent together, but maybe something had gone wrong.
If the baby was even his.
No, Logan knew that it was. He and Delaney hadn’t been in a relationship, but he was sure she hadn’t been seeing anyone else in the last few weeks.
A few minutes later, Delaney emerged from her room. Her outfit looked professional and she had arranged her hair, but her face was still pale. As soon as she came out, Logan started down the hallway, and Delaney hurried to catch up with him.
“Logan, can we please talk?” She was breathless and Logan slowed his pace. They were running late, but Marco Vassallo would certainly understand. He’d rescheduled the appointment once before, after all.
Anyway, the painting was the least of Logan’s worries now.
“I think it would be better to stay focused on the task at hand,” Logan said. He knew that his tone was brisk and that his words were unkind, but he couldn’t bring himself to say anything else. If Delaney was pregnant and the baby was his, he was going to be a father.
Just last night, he’d reminded himself that he didn’t have enough time to be a good boyfriend. He had even less time to be a good father — and even less interest. Logan hadn’t spent muchtime around babies, but he knew that they were far harder to understand than the numbers and analyses he worked with on a day-to-day basis. He’d spent years building an empire and was closer to his financial goals than ever. A baby would put an end to all of that.
“Okay.” Delaney looked hurt, but Logan couldn’t reassure her. They rode the elevator to the ground floor in silence and hurried out to the car. Out of habit, Logan opened Delaney’s door for her before circling to his own side.
“We’re running a little behind,” Logan told the driver. “I’ll sort out an extra tip if you can get us there as quickly and as safely as possible.”
“Yes, sir.” The driver steered onto the main road and punched the gas. Logan turned away from Delaney and looked out the window. A young couple were walking by on the sidewalk, the man pushing a stroller, and Logan held back a shudder. Babies were cute, but Logan had never wanted one.
He glanced at Delaney, who was staring down at her clasped hands. Her face was closed. She seemed just as worried and confused as Logan himself was, and part of him wanted to reach out and take her hand. He wanted to tell her that everything would be okay and that they would sort this out, together.