Could shebea mother, anyway? She hadn’t been around babies that much.
One minute, twenty seconds.
Would she still be able to open her gallery?
One minute, ten seconds.
Could she have a baby in her small studio apartment?
One minute, even.
What if the test was negative?
Fifty seconds.
That would be for the best, right?
Forty seconds.
So why did she half-wish that it would be positive?
Thirty seconds.
A baby with her and Logan’s features would be adorable.
Twenty seconds.
But she couldn’t raise a baby!
Ten seconds.
Neither could Logan.
Beep, beep, beep.
Delaney turned off the alarm and turned slowly back to the counter, her heart in her throat. She looked down at the test and saw, as clear as day, a small plus sign in the viewing window. She was pregnant.
In that moment, all her worries fell away. She wasn’t sure how to raise a baby. Her career plans would have to change. Logan wouldn’t take it well. But none of that mattered.
The only thing that mattered was the baby. Her baby. She felt an instant wave of connection and protectiveness that was completely unexpected. Just like that, Delaney knew that she would do anything for her child. Anything at all. Nothing and no one, not her career, not even Logan, mattered as much as her baby.
Delaney lowered a hand to her stomach again.
“Hello in there,” she whispered. Her lips curved into a smile. This was completely unexpected. She would never have planned to have a child here and now. Yet it was also unbelievably perfect. The moment stretched as Delaney stood in the hotel bathroom, her hand on her stomach, almost in tears with happiness.
A knock on the door shattered the moment. Delaney gave a little jump. Who was there?
She hurried to the door, undid the chain, and opened it. Her eyes widened as she saw who was standing on the other side. It was the only person she wanted to see right now — and the last person she wanted to talk to.
“Delaney?” He looked anxious and confused. “Listen. I know you’re feeling upset about last night, and I wanted to apologize.”
“Last night?” Delaney was so focused on the pregnancy she’d just discovered that Logan’s words felt like a complete non sequitur.
“Yes, last night.” He nodded. “I should never have kissed you. It’s best that we keep things professional, and I broke that. It won’t happen again.”
“It’s all right.” Delaney returned to her real life with a crash. “I kissed you, too. But I agree — it is best that we keep things professional.”As professional as we can be while I’m carrying your child.