Nidev’s distress was fucking comical, putting Harlow on the edge of his seat.
“Well, my impatience is now cutting edge,” the King next to Nidev said. “Allow me to just dump the dirty sack of problems all in one go.”
“Hell yeah,” Harlow said, eagerly. “Dump it out.”
“Thanks to the Bat Bastard,” that same King said, “my fury says I can make it to your chair in 1.6 seconds to wipe that grin off your face.”
Harlow’s laugh ripped. “Can I get your name again before we get that intimate?”
“No, but I can make a thousand-piece jigsaw with your bones,” he negotiated.
This fucker! “Try it and get your facefolded in half by my brother.”
“Kings!” Nidev said, hitting the table with a fist, the power in it impressing even Quantum. “We will continue exercising exact control over every facet of our beings, is it understood? Now, Krovax, continue.”
“Least to greatest,” the Krovax King began, the life threats already swept under the rug. “Uncontrollablepheromone release.Compulsiveneed for physical contact. Feelingintense arousalfrom the emotions of those nearby.Excessiveproduction of aphrodisiacsweat.Simple touchesproducing euphoria and intensepleasure. Creatingintensemental connections without physical interaction.Hypersexualdream infiltration which allowssometo invade others’ dreams withvividandintenseerotic scenarios. Magnetic sexual aura that attracts others, making even platonic interactions feel charged with sexual energy. An overwhelming need to engage in seductive behavior, even in innocent situations. Cycling between states of heightened arousal and calm. Multiple new erogenous zones, uncontrollable lust glares, sexual hypnosis, erotic phantom sensations, and compulsive erotic thought broadcasting.”
“You forgot my favorite,” one of the other Kings said. “The involuntary erotic vocalizations.”
“Trying to forget it,” yet another said.
“And to be clear,” Harlow said still astonished. “We’re calling these thingsproblems,notsuper awesome powers.”
“The Kings are virgins,” Nitro explained, shocking the shit out of Harlow again.
A Creole King on the opposite side of the room said, “For the utterly brain-dead, our conditions make actual sex look like a joke, turning our virgin lives into a shitstorm of endless erotic agony we can donothingabout.”
“Damn,” Harlow marveled, eyeing the one responsible for all of it. The Bat Dude. “You charge for these bites?”
Held back laughter finally exploded from the Marsh side of the room with Nidev standing and appealing to his South Swamp brothers for mercy. They got under control impressively fast while the Nitro dude casually offered Harlow from across the table, “You want a ride?”
Quantum, Nitro and several other Kings shot up from their chair, looking at the entrance.
“What’s wrong?” Harlow asked.
Quantum hurried toward the exit and everybody ran after him.
“Somebody’s in trouble,” Nitro told Harlow as the corridor filled with both groups hauling ass toward something. “I heard him.”
Engaging our neuro-link,Quantum said in Harlow’s head, startling the shit out of him.
What’s happening? Who’s hurt?Harlow hurried.
A female scream came next and Quantum’s hyper speed shot him ahead of everybody.I think it’s the Syphon King. I’m almost there.
I’m right fuckin’ behind you.
They rounded a corridor and Harlow spotted Quantum at the far end of it, right as a door blasted open and off its hinges.
“Zodak!” a Creole King called behind Harlow as they all stopped ten feet off.
A massive, hairless man crouched in the opening, a furious terror in his white looking eyes. “HELP HER!” The roar was stripped of humanity as Quantum signaled they stay put. “HELP HER!”
There's a female in the room. We need to see about her, Quantum urged.I’m initiating visual bio-scans on him.
“Shut him down, Lore!” a King yelled as the Syphon King heaved through whatever had hold of him.
“He’s not responding!” a voice yelled over an intercom.